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Almost Too Much for Words
by Time
Citation:   Time. "Almost Too Much for Words: An Experience with DXM (exp108981)". Erowid.org. Oct 12, 2016. erowid.org/exp/108981

600 mg oral DXM (pill / tablet)
I will try and write as this is still somewhat fresh in my mind. I have experience with lsd, mushrooms, dxm, cocaine, and mdma. None of them terrible, I consider myself somewhat of a strong psychonaut. I'm now 26.

I had 40 15 mg pills so I started taking 2 or 3 every 5 or 10 minutes or so until I had finished all 40. While doing so, feeling slightly stoned, I put on beethovens 9th symphony and made myself an inclined blanket and pillow nest on the floor.  By the time the 9th was over I was high and decided to put on a ibogaine music playlist. I vibed through maybe the first few songs while coming up.

I had layed back with my legs crossed because when I came back an hour or two later I was completely tripping. Must have slipped into the fourth or a high 3rd plateau because I had been out. When I came back my brain was rebooting and without any input from 'me' I raised up into a lotus position and felt waves going through my whole body.

While doing sitting yoga positions automatically, my body and brain knew what to do without any control from me. I then experienced vivid scenes during the most intense part of my trip. I experienced great energy and could sense all the people and things around me.

 I felt strongly for my roommate/friend and his pregnant girlfriend and their unborn child that I am to be the godfather of. I could feel their life forces. I felt myself upgraded as the dxm robooted me and then pieced my brain parts back together. 'Dissesembleation' as my mind processed it at the time. 'Just like last time'.

It showed me things about myself. Not to say there wasn't times I felt confused or paranoid about something. I was afraid I had posted something really weird about drugs on facebook while playing the music on my phone, and everyone would know I was insane or tripping and come take me away. I was afraid the way I was playing with energy that everyone could feel me doing strange things.

With enough mental fortitude you can come to grips with reality and get on with your lesson. 'You haven't done anything crazy dude maybe just have a little music on quietly late at night'. After this I regained more control.

With distorted visuals in the semi-dark and the crackling of digital electricity in my sight body and mind, I was a shaman. With great control of my mind and surrounding energy as I enjoyed this all flowing with the universes energy. When I was tired I wrapped myself peacefully in my blanket and was soon sleeping.

I must say at some point before or after I knocked out I had gotten up and grabbed a few crystals from my bookcase to meditate with. Smokey quartz and black tourmaline, quartz and citrine. I had no problem finding them on my bookshelf in the darkness while completely on the 3rd plateau.

This was the best psychedelic experience of my life and I'm not like to forget this for a long time. Today the day after I feel calm confident and extraordinarily grateful for what this powerful substance has showed and done for me.

Tread with caution people.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 108981
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 26
Published: Oct 12, 2016Views: 2,375
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