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Divinity Cares Not for Physical Acts of Praise
4-AcO-DMT & Ketamine
Citation:   Doser. "Divinity Cares Not for Physical Acts of Praise: An Experience with 4-AcO-DMT & Ketamine (exp109050)". Aug 20, 2016.

50 mg oral 4-AcO-DMT (capsule)
  1.3 mg insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
    repeated insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
  60 mg oral Pharms - Diazepam  
  50 mg oral Pharms - Amitriptyline  
Previous experience, over 5 years = Cannabis, LSD, Mushrooms, Salvia, MCAT, Ketamine, 25i Nbome, MDMA, 25c Nbome, Amphetamines - (Major use/abuse at points) -, various benzodiazepines - (Again, major abuse at points, 30/40 1mg Etizolam per night, in one dose, for a couple months, still slightly abused to some extent now) - 2cb, MXE, cocaine, Kratom, 25B Nbome, MXP, Ethylphenidate, Ritalin, Dexamphetamine, Subutex, Opium, Codeine, Dyhrdocodeine, Tramadol, 3-FPM, MPA, 3-meo-PCP, Flephedrone, Kanna, Betel nut, DMT, Changa, Alcohol, various unidentified RC stimulants, DOM, Mescaline, Modafinil, Hashish (Eaten and smoked), Noopept.

My mindset for this journey, I was of fairly sound mind, slightly worried of what was to come from the trip, psychedelics always make me slightly anxious.

The setting was my bedroom, no light, totally alone, the music that accompanied me was various ancient, sacred Catholic and Orthodox Christian choral masterpieces (Hildegard von Bingen - Voice of The Living Light, Bortnyansky - Sacred Concertos etc, beautiful sounds of worship) and music from ancient Sumeria (Epic of Giilgamesh, being the only one I can find a name for) and as the trip was slowly coming to an end, the beautiful sounds of Carbon Based Lifeforms.

After the first line, I sniffed 1g (Made in to 7 lines, rather small doses for me) of S Ketamine over the 6/7/8 hours.

+ 0:00 = Sniff approx 1.3mg of Ketamines, swallow 4-ACO-DMT, in capsules

+ 0:15 = Feel the Ketamine easing my slightly worried mind, Listening to Hildegard von Bingen, beautiful

+ 0:30 = Feel the 4-ACO kicking in, body feels lovely, light is intensified, as is the darkness of the bedroom. Noticing more sounds from the street below than usual

+ 0:45 = CEVs, not too different to windows media player visualisations

+ 1:00 = Eyes closed, travelling through a never-ending, constantly morphing and changing Alex Grey-esque world of colours, swirls, infinite impossible tunnels

+ 1:30 = The real tripping starts, and it begins with images I had seen previously in a dream, - a dream with which I felt no significance at the time, yet this journey may have changed that - Ancient cities of Egypt, their houses, temples, city walls and watchtowers, the entire civilisation, turn in to grains of sand, and blow away with the breeze, into oblivion, like seeds on a dandelion.

from here on out, I paid no attention to the time

An idea pops in to my head. The Divine tries telling us, it does not want the Tower of Babel to be cast from stone, but a ladder, made up of the sacred molecules that let us commune with the Divine.

As the Divine's gentle hand pulled me through the ages, showed me mankind's stupidity and pridefullness, our vain pride in our physical vessel, thinking we can please the Divine with gifts and praises of the physical, temples, shrines, blood sacrifices. We want to gain favour with the Divine, yet we never venture to the Divine's place of residence, we just hope he will see our gifts from over the horizon.

Divinity will not manifest on a physical plane, we are silly to think he cares for 4 walls and a steeple. False prophets and charlatans. Grand churches, monasteries, mosques, shrines, men who talk from the altar as if God is communing through him, yet not to his congregation himself.

We were told long ago, do not worship false prophets

“‘This people honours me with their lips, but their heart is far from me; in vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.' Mark 7:6-9

Still I see cities fall in to the trap of self-worship, sitting upon a pew pleases no one but the vicar at the alter, Divinity would not ask from us stone and mortar. All of civilisations, no matter if Christian, Islamic, Jewish, or any of the numerous religions, again slowly turn into nothing but dust, dissipating into the air. The Tower of Babel should have been enough of a clue, how many more cities must fall until we truly commune with god, until we decide to talk with him on his land, rather than shouting into the sea and hoping it reaches his ears.

We may set out to praise the Divine, but only end up worshipping the words of Babylon, false prophets, Men who insist upon their road, the toll for the other paths being eternal pain in Hell. You must view the wonders the vicar himself has seen. You may read the scriptures of men before you, but you may not write the passages from within your own heart.

Man tells you we are flawed, that only Gods recorded words hold any truth, yet there are a chosen few who may speak on Gods behalf, supposedly. Why the clergy but not the congregation?

The current civilisations of man will too decay, if we do not soon realise that the Divine wants the essence of our own hearts to worship him, not our hands.

The Divine had told me the information it wished to share, and now I was floating in a totally formless, non-physical space. Blackness.

There was an unseen barrier/wall, and as I reached out to touch this barrier (Perhaps in a sense like the painting, The Creation of Adam). As my finger tip touched this wall, again, I saw epic civilisations of man. Yet this time, we gave to him our hearts and souls, rather than 4 walls and an alter.

In this reality, the kingdom of God had been found, by every man, inside his own soul. The words of a priest, attending mass on Sundays, kneeling before God in submission, no longer would these things appease us and grant us favour with the Divine.

Praise came from the heart of Man and his inherent goodness, and every act of selfishness was also an act of worship. The Divine does not ask for a totally clean slate, the Divine just asks that we try our hardest to not add any more blemishes. The Divine does not ask for perfection, as to err is to be human, all the Divine requests is for us to learn of our mistakes, and to strive for Good.

We will fall and stumble upon the way, but all the Divine wants is for us to rise again and continue the journey.

Evil is merely Good that has been starved, and forced to poison itself by eating spoilt fruits. All it takes is the administration of medicine to cleanse Good's tainted blood.

Sorrow and Joy both exist in this realm. Pain is as good a teacher as Happiness, both need to be listened to to truly appreciate the perfection of Divinity.

This quote comes to mind:

'Much of your pain is self-chosen.
It is the bitter potion by which the physician within you heals your sick self.
Therefore trust the physician, and drink his remedy in silence and tranquillity:
For his hand, though heavy and hard, is guided by the tender hand of the Unseen'

My communion with Divinity is over, and I'm left to reflect on his teachings. I will request to talk with him again before long, as now I have questions, whereas on this journey I was presented with just a handful of answers.

Now almost totally touching the ground again, I lie in ecstasy for some time, reflecting and recording.

60/70mg of Roche Diazepam is ingested and 50mg Amiltryptaline (Prescribed the Amyl for chronic back pain), wake up with a glow in my heart, and an intense desire to tell friends of the wonders I have just been shown.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 109050
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Aug 20, 2016Views: 2,310
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Ketamine (31), 4-AcO-DMT (387) : Alone (16), Entities / Beings (37), Mystical Experiences (9), Combinations (3)

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