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Anxiety Go No Further
Citation:   drsleep. "Anxiety Go No Further: An Experience with Propranolol (exp109075)". Aug 24, 2016.

20 mg oral Pharms - Propranolol (pill / tablet)
Propranolol is a very interesting substance. It does not sedate me, nor induce an altered state in any way. It simply puts a ceiling on the physical symptoms of anxiety.

My heart rate may rise a little bit... but then it just stops there. Propranolol just blocks the physical anxiety response. I may have racing thoughts and even feelings of dread, but my hands will be steady, my voice clear, my heartbeat nice and steady.

I've found propranolol to be ideal for job interviews, which are really scary for me. I will feel the dreaded butterflies in my gut and have racing thoughts, but you would never know it by looking at me. My mind is in anxiety mode, but my body is calm. Propranolol also leaves me with a normal state of consciousness, unlike the codeine I used to take before interviews which resulted in some... embarrassing experiences.

I've taken up to 80 mg, but generally wouldn't recommend this.

Happy travels!

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 109075
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: Aug 24, 2016Views: 12,892
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Pharms - Propranolol (72) : Performance Enhancement (50), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), General (1), Workplace (51)

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