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Too Physically Uncomfortable
Morning Glory Seeds & Lorazepam (Ativan)
Citation:   Novice. "Too Physically Uncomfortable: An Experience with Morning Glory Seeds & Lorazepam (Ativan) (exp109142)". Nov 26, 2023.

500 seeds oral Morning Glory (tea)
    IV Pharms - Lorazepam  
This was my first experience with morning glory seeds or anything LSD/LSA related for that matter. I bought 1500 seeds for like 3 dollars and prepared for my trip. I counted out 500 of the seeds and ground them down into a fine powder. I then poured the powder into a water bottle and added 2 cups of water to the mixture. I shook it well then let it sit in the fridge for 24 hours. The next day I headed over to a friend’s house to drink it. My plan was to stay there all day and enjoy myself but my plan quickly fell apart.

I drank all of the mixture at 1:00 pm and played a video game to pass the time. The first hour was just uncomfortable. I was very nauseous and felt like I was going to throw up but I never did. The nausea was expected. What I didn’t expect was the leg cramps and elevated heart rate. After the first hour I was too physically uncomfortable to enjoy myself so I decided to go home. My friend volunteered to drive me.

I spent the second hour at my house suffering from cramps and unrest. It was my heart rate that was bothering me the most. I decided to take a bath and just try to calm down but nothing seemed to work. To make matters worse my perception of time was completely messed up and it would seem like I spent 30 minutes panicking and losing my mind and I would realize it’s only been like 3 minutes. After a bit I decided to get out of the tub in case I lost consciousness and I went to lay down on my bed. There was no possible way I was going to be able to rest because my heart was still going a mile a minute. Then the effects kicked in 2.5 hours after consumption.

While laying on my bed colors started separating and sounds became distorted. The lsa was working as intended but the unrest and discomfort was unbearable and I called my friend to take me to the ER because I felt that I was going to pass out.
The lsa was working as intended but the unrest and discomfort was unbearable and I called my friend to take me to the ER because I felt that I was going to pass out.
He picked me up immediately and I mainly focused on staying calm. It was only an 11-minute drive to the hospital but it seemed like forever. We finally arrived at 3 pm but the trip had just begun.

3 hours after consumption. I was on a hospital bed with an IV in my arm and Ativan coursing through my system. My heart rate entering the hospital was at 140. It was only after I was administered the anti-anxiety medicine to lower my heart rate and blood pressure that I began to appreciate the effects of the lsa. The room I was in had an ocean themed wall and creatures were moving and the coral and plants were swaying and despite my current situation everything seemed surreal and peaceful.

At the 4 hour mark the walls began to melt and the hallways stretched on for miles and were at an odd angle. Despite knowing that I had consumed drugs, I felt borderline schizophrenic. I was hearing whispers I couldn’t explain, people were looking at me strange and laughing and I felt paranoid. I even saw a strange cloaked man peer at me from around the corner.

I spent the rest of the day and night under watch at the hospital to monitor for seizures, although at no point did I feel that I might have one. I continued to have LSD-like experiences for a couple hours. In total I think the trip lasted about 8 hours. I got out the next day safe and sound. As a reflection on the event the overall physical discomfort that I went through during this trip (nausea, bad leg cramps, fast heart rate, and light headedness) outweigh the intended effects of this drug.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 109142
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 26, 2023Views: 24
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Morning Glory (38), Pharms - Lorazepam (79) : General (1), First Times (2), Combinations (3), Preparation / Recipes (30), Difficult Experiences (5), Various (28)

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