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Psychedelic Meditation
Cannabis (edible)
Citation:   William C.. "Psychedelic Meditation: An Experience with Cannabis (edible) (exp109169)". Jul 21, 2020.

6 g oral Cannabis (edible / food)
Mindset & Setting

The main purpose of ingesting 6 grams of weed was to experience a meditative high, to get in touch with myself and my deepest emotions, fears, etc. I knew this dose would be more than enough to achieve this “zen” state, so I was ready to deal with the intense effects that eating that much weed can cause
I was ready to deal with the intense effects that eating that much weed can cause
to the mind and body beforehand. I decided to trip in the place I felt most comfortable at, my bedroom. I am experienced with edibles.


The edible consumed was hot chocolate infused with cannabutter. To make the cannabutter I used 6g of cannabis, 3 tablespoons of butter and a jelly jar. The cannabis and butter were mixed inside the jelly jar and then cooked in water bath for 1 hour and 15 minutes. The organic material was filtered and the THC-infused butter was added to a cup of hot chocolate.

The Experience
T+0: At 5pm I drank the infused hot chocolate. It was terrible, thus I had to cover my nose in order not the feel the taste in my mouth. After finishing my drink I started watching Taxi Driver to kill time while I waited for the effects to kick in.

T+15: My legs felt lighter. At the time I assumed it was placebo, because edibles usually take 2 hours to hit me. Now I believe that, since the cannabutter was in liquid form, the effects must have kicked in faster.

T+45: I was by myself at home, but I felt as though there were more people in the house with me. I was focused on the TV, but once in a while I would see shadows moving in the corner of my eye. It was freakin’ me out, so I turned the TV off and lay on my bed. I put on my headphones and began listening to psychedelic music. I relaxed, and the paranoia ceased.

T+1.5h: I’m strongly connected to the music I’m listening to. The instruments sound like they’re in my bedroom, I can feel the vibration of the drums on my skin. I start seeing patterns all over my room, but they’re not intense.

T+3h: The effects have completely taken over my body, and my mind. I’m stuck to bed, looking at the incredible patterns that appear on the ceiling. Everything is vibrating, there’s a colorful flower pattern everywhere I look at, and the wood grain on the furniture was flowing like the water on a river. My body lost its shape, and if I closed my eyes I was able to imagine I was anything I’d want to be: a rectangle, an animal, a cloud, liquid. Sometimes it seemed as if I had forgotten how to control my movements, like a newborn. I was able to re-live my oldest memories, when I was still a baby. I had meaningful conversations with younger versions of me, and every aspect of my life could be observed from a third person view.
I had meaningful conversations with younger versions of me, and every aspect of my life could be observed from a third person view.

T+4h: Went to sleep.

T+16h: I woke up feeling exhausted. My muscles hurt, it was like I had been in the gym for 12 hours straight. I couldn’t do anything besides watching TV and thinking about the trip I had the night before.

T+40h: My body is still sore.

Final thoughts

This trip was one the most enlightening experiences I’ve had in my life. Marijuana definitely has the potential to be very psychedelic if I ingest enough of it, and can be used to achieve higher states of consciousness.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 109169
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Jul 21, 2020Views: 1,070
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