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Subtle or Nothing
by Zam
Citation:   Zam. "Subtle or Nothing: An Experience with Piracetam (exp10923)". Nov 29, 2001.

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2400 mg oral Piracetam (daily)
I had been interested in some of the various smart drugs for quite a while, and piracetam was one of the top ones I wanted to try.

Ordering some from an online vendor, I got 800mg orange 'Nootropil' tablets manufactured by UCB Pharma. The tablets contain 800mg per unit and the tablets themselves weigh ~850mg. I was surprised that 800mg of active compound could fit into a tablet weighing only 850mg, but after weighing a few more commercial tablets (acetaminophen, ibuprofen, etc) it seems as if it is quite likely.

For the first week, my partner and I tried taking 3 per day (2400mg per day at the dosage marked on the packaging). The effects were not detectable and definitely not above possible placebo. We continued taking 3 per day for about a week, a couple days we took 4 per day, spread out with at least 3 hours between each dose. No effects of any kind were reliably noted.

A couple times I wondered if perhaps I was less foggy-minded that I normally am, but this never rose to a level at which I could discern any real effects. I will continue to take them for another few weeks to see if I can detect anything further and will also try pushing the dose up.

I think next week I'll try two tablets per dose.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 10923
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 29, 2001Views: 40,420
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