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Remaining Nausea and Jittery Feeling
Oxycodone & Acetaminophen
Citation:   arctic.friday. "Remaining Nausea and Jittery Feeling: An Experience with Oxycodone & Acetaminophen (exp109243)". Oct 5, 2016.

100 mg   Pharms - Lamotrigine (daily)
      Pharms - Fluoxetine (daily)
  5 mg oral Oxycodone  
  325 mg oral Acetaminophen  
0915 - (1) 325/5 Acetominophen/Oxycodone (At work) Only Caribou Vanilla White Mocha for breakfast. Slept 10 hours night previous, and had taken (2) 325/5. Floated away while talking to husband and watching L&O SVU in bed. Came home from work at 1830 with headache. Husband came home at 2000 and said I was speaking incoherently after I took meds. I remember asking him questions that didn't make any sense. Woke up in morning with sore throat, likely from dry mouth.

I take fluoxetine & lamotrigine daily, but missed the fluoxetine dose last night w/ falling asleep from other meds. Tapering off of lamotrigine & taking 100mg/day now in morning for next week and a half before stopping it entirely.

Been having trouble concentrating at work lately, but my numbers are still exceptional, so no immediate concerns.

1000 - Beginning to feel a little nauseated. Trying to buy plane ticket & hotel for work trip next month. Trying not to look zonked to boss, too.

1100 - Nausea has subsided a bit; spent a bit of time in restroom, but did not vomit. Still feeling effects - little jittery in arms & legs; harder to type. Slower breathing, drowsy, floaty feeling. No visible signs in mirror - pupils and skin appear normal. Not difficult to stay awake, but I could fall asleep now easily, too. Debating whether to eat something now, or to wait until lunch in an hour. Not overly hungry, but wanting to ease remaining nausea and jittery feeling.

Voices are loud and distinct; hard to understand, but easy to hear. Comprehension is difficult.

1130 - Debating whether to go home sick, but afraid to drive home. (Drive is about 45 minutes home from office.) Still have some work to get done this afternoon before weekend arrives.

1145 - Finally puked, but don't feel any relief from nausea.

1200 - Lunch settled my stomach and reduced the effects of the drug. Still feeling slightly nauseous and jittery.

1345 - Probably okay to drive now. Still feeling nauseous, and considering going home sick.

1430 - Coming down easy now. Getting work done again, and slight elevated feeling. Had been texting my husband about not feeling well (though didn't mention that I had taken his meds), so setting the stage for a relaxing weekend with potentially no responsibilities where I can take a few more of the pills and chill out.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 109243
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 32
Published: Oct 5, 2016Views: 2,257
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Oxycodone (176) : General (1), Workplace (51)

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