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Very Subtle; Mood and Confidence Effects
by Owen
Citation:   Owen. "Very Subtle; Mood and Confidence Effects: An Experience with Piracetam (exp10926)". Nov 6, 2003.

1600 mg oral Piracetam (pill / tablet)
After 3 days of taking 2 Piracetam per day, I found the following:

1) I did not feel any mental clarity effects / smart-drug effects.
2) I felt much more emotionally stable, to the point where I didn't even want to do any other mood-altering substances - STRANGE. My mood swings were 'blanded out'. Sunsets no longer gave me chills of pleasure, but bad things happening did not get me as down, either.
3) I found my memory slightly increased, or at least motivation to remember. I no longer was as worried about remembering all the things I had to do and all the people I had to call. This could be placebo, but the effect was quite dramatic in letting me feel 'really on-top of things' even during a move/house remodel/programming work/taking classes.

In an attempt to test for some sort of placebo effect, I stopped taking Piracetam for a month. The effects (#2 + #3) stopped within 2-3 days. I began to worry about forgetting things - phone calls, things to do, work assignments, etc. I found myself writing a lot more down and feeling more like I was 'forgetting' something. My mood swings slightly increased back to normal levels.

I personally find that Piracetam is very subtle, but definitely has mood and confidence effects. I feel more 'on top' of it when taking 2 of those orange pills a day.

I think a lot of Piracetam's effects have to do with personality and brain chemical level differences in various people. I feel like my base personality has more to gain from Piracetam's effects, whereas some more motivated, 'on-top-of-it' friends of mine probably wouldn't even notice a difference.

Just thought I would share, as Piracetam definitely deserves some sort of notice...

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 10926
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 6, 2003Views: 42,825
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Piracetam (95) : Health Benefits (32), Retrospective / Summary (11), Not Applicable (38)

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