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Vivid Lucid Dream
by Luna
Citation:   Luna. "Vivid Lucid Dream: An Experience with Methaqualone (exp109380)". Nov 10, 2016.

500 mg   MDMA
  1 tablet oral Methaqualone
  2 joints/cigs smoked Cannabis
Quaalude Experience

No preparations were made beforehand, I’d had a half gram of MDMA and needed to be able to sleep that night and my friend offered me a Quaalude. Admittedly I had only heard of them through wolf of wall street (embarrassing I know) so had done no prior research. After reassurance I wouldn’t end up like Leo did in the movie I took one. I was shocked at how fast acting it was as in 5-10 minutes I was already feeling mellowed out and less pumped from the MD.

15 minutes later, when I stood up I felt like a soft wave hit me (almost like the waves I get from doing a balloon) and I felt like I was floating. Within 20 minutes I was completely zoned out, it had the same relaxing affect as Xanax or Valium but with a warm, fuzzy feeling. I had a huge grin stuck on my face. Around an hour or so after I’d had the pill I left my friends to go home and was fine on public transport (apart from trying to stop smiling constantly). I turned into a philosopher on the bus and my mind and thoughts were racing (not in a cocainey way but not as intense as acid). I was coming up with endless rhymes and poetry in my head with no effort at all. It definitely had a strong aphrodisiac effect on me.

When I got home, I smoked a couple joints which hit me a LOT harder than usual and I started to see trails and mellow out even more. I felt like I’d had a big line of Ket or a sleeping pill yet my mind was still racing. The creativity and imagination the lude gave me was like nothing I have ever had.

I check my phone at 2 am (around 3.5/4 hours after) and enter into the most vivid lucid dream I have ever had in the entirety of my life. When I awoke and checked my phone, it was 8 am and I sat there remembering the entire dream. I was thinking while dreaming and whatever I thought of seemed to come through in the dream. For instance I was in a park that’s by my house (all in the dream obviously) and thought of my grandparents’ house, when I got up right behind me was their house. Occurrence’s like this happened the entire dream.

Also time felt real in the dream and when I came out of it, I felt as if I was up and awake for the whole 6 hours. I was extremely groggy upon waking and felt like I’d been up for days but a strong black coffee sorted me right out. I personally would definitely prefer this to Valium Xanax etc as I didn’t feel zombified or brain dead which I do on most sedatives. It’s been a week and I still can’t get that dream out of my head.

I had only taken a 5-HTP in the morning and a vitamin C tablet but as far as I know (I’m no scientist) these do not react with it.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 109380
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Nov 10, 2016Views: 5,065
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Dreams (85), Methaqualone (218) : Alone (16), First Times (2)

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