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Tachyphylaxis and Other Peculiar Phenomena
Citation:   ThePoobaman. "Tachyphylaxis and Other Peculiar Phenomena: An Experience with U-47700 (exp109396)". Oct 22, 2016.

I've written about U-4 before, but I thought I'd like to make a note about some very peculiar phenomena I've noticed after further experimentation.

First, this drug shows remarkable tachyphylaxis (a special kind of rapid 'tolerance' to a drug). In the span of an evening, I can go from being almost knocked out by 15-20 mg to barely feeling 35 mg. I only have to redose 3 or 4 times to achieve this effect. Route of administration doesn't seem to matter.

Secondly, when falling asleep after my final dose of the night, I often wake up with an almost paralytic sensation of muscle numbness/pinpricks. It goes away within 30 seconds of waking, and I have still been able to build muscle as fast as usual (I lift weights) since beginning the use of this substance weekly.

Finally, the duration seems to be wildly unpredictable. Perhaps this is just my 'psychological tolerance' fluctuating, but I've noticed that the same dose via the same route of administration can last anywhere from 20 minutes to over 2 hours. Intrarectal administration is especially strange in this regard.

These are of course just my subjective and anecdotal notes, but a few friends who have sampled U-4 have noticed similar effects. Take it with a grain of salt, and stay safe folks.

[Reported Dose: '5-40 mg']

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 109396
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Oct 22, 2016Views: 7,812
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U-47700 (694) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Unknown Context (20)

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