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Psychological Walls Shattered and Dyslexia
Citation:   stbot32. "Psychological Walls Shattered and Dyslexia: An Experience with 4-Methylmethcathinone (exp109397)". Jun 4, 2019.

T+ 0:00
  repeated insufflated 4-Methylmethcathinone (powder / crystals)
  T+ 12:00 1 bowl smoked Cannabis (powder / crystals)
I've decided to submit this despite its age because my experiences were life-changing in retrospect, although they came with some potential risks. Back when mephedrone was de facto legal, I once obtained a gram of pure crystals. Initial experiments were light (<100mg spread out over several hours) and in social settings until this experience. During this time I was a seasoned psychonaut, having tried a range of things from the Pihkal and Tihkal manuals.

Setting and dosage:

The setting was my residence at the time, a quiet and comfortable environment. I had no pressing commitments. I had tried mephedrone before in low doses with positive effects--it temporarily eliminated my usual crippling social anxiety. I was curious to take it further this time by myself.

At 7 pm I began insufflating mephedrone in ~50mg lines spread out over 15-minute intervals. As it took about ten minutes for me to feel the full effects of a bump, this strategy would allow me to tailor the level of dosing so that I didn't commit too much too quickly (or so I believed at the time).

Walls come tumbling down:

Shortly after my fourth dose the effects were in full swing. Sparkling shapes moved across my field of vision and merely breathing felt incredible. Then it happened: I had an unexpected mental breakthrough. For over two decades certain pivotal psychological issues and experiences were buried so deep inside me that I felt I would never be able to talk about them. I began to imagine the process of sharing them with others when suddenly I realized that I could. The thick walls around those issues had somehow completely vanished due to the effects of the mephedrone. The level of euphoria was unlike anything I have ever felt before or after (even on MDMA), heightened because of my sudden realization. I immediately wrote fragmented emails and made phone calls to trusted people. But this effect was brief. In maybe three quarters of an hour the peak effects wore off and the walls started to come back up.
In maybe three quarters of an hour the peak effects wore off and the walls started to come back up.

All I wanted to do was to go back to that euphoric place. An hour later I was able to replicate the experience and continue with my writing and phoning. Someone remarked over the phone that they could hear me snorting lines. I wasn't even thinking about whether I should or shouldn't, I just wanted to stay there and not come back down. But the euphoric effects faded and subsequent dosing sent me into a different state.

Temporary dyslexia and other oddities:

Sometime after the second peak I discovered that I couldn't read any printed text or numbers. Hence I am unclear as to what time it was, but it must have been at least five hours after the initial dose. To explain further: on the book next to me the letters were changing rapidly in place as if a manic copywriter were overwriting all of the letters randomly and continuously. I later learned that this is what the experience of dyslexia is like, which is interesting, because I've never heard anyone else mention such effects, and it could point to potential neurological effects of the drug. This effect was not permanent and ended within several hours. I did not have dyslexia before and I do not now. Another effect: my internal dialog/thoughts started to loop. I'd find that I had been sitting in one spot of the room for half an hour with my thoughts repeating a few sentences over and over. This is not unlike psychosis, but it was with longer thoughts instead of fragments. There were physical effects too: the world started to look fishbowl-y as if my eyes were bulging and I would discover why that was possibly the case later. I stopped dosing as I conveniently ran out of mephedrone.

The comedown took many hours. I let the above effects play out while stumbling about experimenting with my senses. I pulled out paper and pens. I couldn't believe the ease at which drawing suddenly came to me. While they weren't masterpieces, I had gone from my usual chicken scratches to large three dimensional textured objects, showing me that I could probably pursue drawing if I really wanted to. The sun was rising at that point so I would guess it was twelve hours since I had started dosing. I started getting hallucinations in the DSM-V definition: seeing little armies made out of tube-men marching across the floor and so forth.

Unpleasant side effects and combinations:

Throughout the latter half of the trip I had the feeling of a tight jaw as is common for stimulants. When I thought the effects had faded substantially I decided to have a bit of cannabis before sleep, which caused me to realize that I had completely underestimated the effects of the mephedrone. Shortly after that I noticed that my hands and feet were purple.
I noticed that my hands and feet were purple.
I'd open my eyes, and instead of seeing the room, I'd see it distorted into an M.C. Escher diagram, arranged in thin slivers at odd angles. I was exhausted and felt physically ill and had difficulty navigating my environment at that point. The trip had gone from fun to somewhat nerve-wracking because of the physical side effects of exhaustion, purple extremities and racing heart. I laid down and waited for the effects to subside.

Conclusion and after effects:

I stayed in bed for about a day after that. My sweat smelled like a circuit board and I had a slight nosebleed from the insufflation, which promptly ended within hours of ceasing insufflation. The whites of my eyes were completely red, possibly related to the fish-eye and bulging sensation I had earlier. It took about three days for me to regain my energy and slightly longer for my eyes to clear up.

I felt quite anxious that I had opened up about deeply buried personal issues, but looking back years later, this part of the trip was one of the best things that has ever happened to me. Having opened up, I was subsequently able to seek out therapy and begin the lengthy process of healing old wounds. I wonder if mephedrone might have any potential therapeutic usage were it to be administered at controlled doses.

This was one of two occasions during which I mixed mephedrone with cannabis. Negative side effects immediately increased substantially both times. I have no idea if this is coincidence, psychological or due to their combination of vasoconstrictive or vasodilating effects, but it might be something to watch out for. By comparison, single doses in the 200mg range without cannabis never came with any unpleasant side effects for me. The urge to redose was high for me, though the wall-breaking added to that urge. Despite the side effects and the subsequent years (most of which I have spent sober), even now part of me still really wants to go back to that place.

[Reported Dose: 600mg insufflated over 7-8 hours, one bowl of cannabis"]

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 109397
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 30
Published: Jun 4, 2019Views: 1,370
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4-Methylmethcathinone (458) : Combinations (3), Hangover / Days After (46), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), General (1), Alone (16)

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