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The Journey Into Acceptance
by Anon
Citation:   Anon. "The Journey Into Acceptance: An Experience with Pregabalin (exp109464)". Nov 2, 2016.

1.5 g oral Pharms - Pregabalin
It's not the first time a take pregabalin but it's the first time I write about it. It was 12 in the morning when I got my hands on 30 tablets of 150mg pregablin, I have taken it alot of times and I have build a huge tolerance. I began by taking 10 tablets that's 1.5gm at exactly 12 in the morning, it usually hits me after an hour give or take 20 minutes. I have a routine to waste this hour till hits me, I watch a couple of episodes of friends or any 20 minutes set-com, and then I play 2 matches on fifa. After finishing that, I get into this state of acceptance and self assurance, I feel like that every thing I do is great and rewarding to my self and others.

I have a severe state of SAD (Social anxiety disorder), when I take pregabalin it banishing this disorder to the ground, I usually don't talk to my own family and friends much, but when I'm on pregabalin I even talk to people I don't know, plus pregablin makes hash very much more potent, due to my high tolerance I can take it and go out and no one notices that I'm on anything, so we go and score some hash and roll some joints. Hash with pregablin makes me go into this state of nothingness euphoria

If I wasn't on pregablin I wouldn't have could written all that, the conclusion is that it makes me very kind and sociable, I like yourself and that makes me like others, plus I think it's very safe, some times I take 15 tablets and 15 tablets after them by 2 hours or something, that's 4.5gm and all what happens is that the state of the drug extends to like 20 hours or something. My very first time I took 450mg.

So, anyway, please share peace and love, I hope it continues to be an OCD drug forever, I don't know what I would do if it got scheduled or something.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 109464
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Nov 2, 2016Views: 6,030
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Pharms - Pregabalin (418) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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