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Clean Ride
Citation:   Henk101. "Clean Ride: An Experience with 4-Fluoroamphetamine (exp109623)". Dec 6, 2016.

T+ 0:00
6 glasses oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine
  T+ 3:00   oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine
  T+ 0:00 15 mg oral Pharms - Diazepam
  T+ 0:00 25 mg oral Pharms - Quetiapine
Clean Ride Great Experiences

Setting: Techno Party. (sluwe Vos representing)
Had .5 grams of 4FA

Divided into 4 lines added a little to my line a minimal bit, estimating my dosage at 125/140mg. Put it in a capsule and took it just before entering (there was no queue) had consumed around 6 Beers by this point and some sports drinks.

At t+30 legs starting to get lighter slow come up but realised it was there when it was. No xtc brick wall I suddenly hit.

There was MDMA-like euphoria. Felt social and very clean. Still myself and felt like dancing and having fun.
After 3 hours I guess the euphoria was gone, and I didn't bring any extra to prevent myself from taking any extra
After 3 hours I guess the euphoria was gone, and I didn't bring any extra to prevent myself from taking any extra
which with 4fa I read is a bad idea. So just let it ride me out I was still energised and feeling something. Just had a few beers with it. There was no crash yet, feeling just slowly faded away, my mind was still ready to go but my body was telling me I'm tired and its enough at t+5/6 hours. Overall great experience learn to appreciate dont re-dose crazy keep it safe.

When home took 15mg of Diazepam and 25mg of Seroquel to knock out any remaining effect in the background. (Slightly noticable.) This knocked me out and I slept a full 8 hours and woke up with a little hangover headache. Drank some water took some paracetamol and all was fine except the tiredness I expect from an amphetamine. But no depressive symptoms which I generally have after MDMA.

Conclusion: I loved MDMA but I dont like losing control which with MDMA I kinda felt was the case. With 4-Fa I felt like I was still myself with the MDMA like feeling. Its a shame the euphoria kinda fades away but its worth it in my opinion.
Just be cautious its still and RC.
Will definitely do it again.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 109623
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Dec 6, 2016Views: 1,722
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4-Fluoroamphetamine (276) : General (1), Rave / Dance Event (18)

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