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Citation:   WONDERFUCK. "Weed-Is-By-My-Side-Its-Always-Been-There: An Experience with Cannabis (exp109630)". Erowid.org. Dec 5, 2016. erowid.org/exp/109630

  repeated smoked Cannabis
In times like these, when every roach counts towards reaching that Mount High, I relive joyously the history I share with the most paralyzing of plants. Cannabis in all its luscious varieties, from kush to reggie to chron-didly-onic, do succeed in tickling my THC tentactles, soaring adoringly from temple throughout testacles!

This dialysis of total airiness lends, eclipses the conventions of our present vortex, a mushroom cloud of love as inner soul makes one with the ouroboros Earth essence of super natural convalescence. Memories long lost flood float back to me, reminding past lives synthesized in ivory ivy, a Spring when trees blew loads, Fall forest fever dream reverie, the Summer of cum and boundless fun, Winter of content is coming only but once I toked up $250 or $500 or IDK just some crazy amount of Killer Chron that came in a glass jar. I smoked in full in like three dazed days of dreamy exorbitant bliss.

All this makes me think of weed and what a good friend pot’s been to me when I didn’t have anybody but Mother Mary Jane to guide me through my oblique itinerary, and for that I am forever faithful to her.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 109630
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Dec 5, 2016Views: 1,638
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Cannabis (1) : Poetry (43), Retrospective / Summary (11), Unknown Context (20)

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