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Energetic Euphoria
Citation:   Sophie. "Energetic Euphoria: An Experience with Kratom (exp109727)". Apr 18, 2018.

2 g oral Kratom (capsule)
  1 glass oral Alcohol  
I went down to a head shop with my fiancé, and we purchased one packet of Mojo Pimp Kratom- 32 500mg capsules. Later that night, we took 4 capsules, totaling 2 grams.

After around 30 minutes, I started feeling a tingly warmth rushing down my arms and legs, and I felt it in my stomach too. I then proceeded to feel a very strong burst of energy, and ran and jumped around the house. We took a walk, and I felt many urges to run. I wanted to confront objects such as a mailbox and fire hydrant, and I said whatever was on my mind with great ease. Laughing came naturally, and I felt urges to talk to strangers. I felt compelled to touch a stranger's backpack. I also saw a man at the gas station who was looking out into the sky, and I imagined he was looking at a sunset.

It was pitch black outside, and my imagination seemed so real and as if it was my reality. As cars were driving down the street, I kept following them with my eye and seemed so entranced by them. We went down to the grocery store, and I told my fiancé to push me around in a shopping cart. I told him to push me at high speeds. I was playing music on my phone, and music seemed to enhance my mood and highly energetic state. I took a fruit chew from the shelf, kept looking at it funny, and ended up throwing it on the ground after taking one bite. After the grocery store, we went to Target. I imagined that my feet were very long. As I was listening to music, I kept picking up babies' clothes and examining them with curiosity. At times, I felt bursts of energy
At times, I felt bursts of energy
and ran around the store. We left, and then went to a pet store. I saw that one cat was adopted, and seemed unusually excited about that fact and proceeded to run to one side of the store.

As we left the pet store, it was raining outside. I felt in a dream-like trance and felt immune to the cold and the rain. I felt like I was in a movie. I never wanted to let go of that feeling. As we walked back home, I continued to feel dream-like and immune to the weather. During the high, I felt immune to problems and as if they didn't matter.

After about 2 and a half hours, the initial rush wears off and I am left with a continued euphoric state of mind. Thoughts of the future seem more exciting than usual. I had 1 drink after we came back, and that enhanced the high even further. I felt a bit spacey and slow, but in a good way. I had no side effects from Kratom, and will definitely be trying it again. I would also like to note that sex was more enjoyable under the influence of Kratom.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 109727
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 18, 2018Views: 1,175
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Kratom (203) : Glowing Experiences (4), Various (28)

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