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I Felt Drunk
Opium & Tobacco
by Adam
Citation:   Adam. "I Felt Drunk: An Experience with Opium & Tobacco (exp10977)". Jan 3, 2005.

  smoked Opium (tar / resin)
    smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
A few days ago, I picked 15 seed pods from the opium poppies that were growing across the road from my place. I immediately sliced them and then left them to weep for about 4 days. At the end of this, after using other pods for tea, seeds and for sale, I scraped the remaining 6 pods for opium and fashioned a pipe with a foil cone-piece to use. I had collected about 2 rgs (rice grains) of opium which I rolled into a ball and then placed into my cp. The opium was dark-brown in colour and let off a beautiful fragrance when incinerated. It bubbled and turned black while I smoked it, leaving rock hard resin in the cp after cooling. I took in maybe 3 tokes of smoke which I held in for about 10 secs each. The effects hit me straight away. It was like suddenly waking up after sleeping for 14 hours straight, with that dizzy light-headed effect some people get. I think its called 'vertigo'. It was brilliant though.

After about 5mins, I started to find it a little hard to breathe. I also felt a little drunk, which was weird because opium is supposed to relax and enlighten you. On this particular night, I was alone at home. I recall running up and down my house, ranting and raving about needing a cigarette or something. So I decided to call up my friend, who lives about 4kms away, and ask them for a smoke. They said they would give me a few if I went to their house in 10mins. So I did. I went into my room and put on a pair of bowling shoes and a beanie and hopped onto my bike. I rode flat-out to their place in about 5mins. When I got there, I waited out front for a few minutes and then went up and knocked on their door. They came out and gave me 4 cigarettes and proceeded to talk with me for about 15mins about something I cannot remember. At this time, I had enormous amounts of energy (notice my ride) and could not sit still. I kept jerking and fidgeting so my friend thought I was simply cold, so I told them what I was on.

When I left their house a few minutes after, I lit up a cigarette. It was like being in heaven, except this heaven was made of opium plants, naked lesbians and mountains of cigarettes. Gosh how I loved that cigarette! By the time I got back to my house (5-10mins later) the effects were a lot milder. I think that excercise somehow made it leave my system but that cigarette definitely boosted its effects by a tenfold. I must have fallen asleep a few hours after I got back but I slept like a 20,000 ton log. I estimate that I must have dropped off at maybe 10:30pm that night, and arose in the morning roughly around 1pm. I should probably say lunch-time then.

Throughout the entire experience, my words were slurred like I was drunk (very strange) and I felt no pain what-so-ever. Even when I crashed my bike into a parked car and landed head first over the other side. I am feeling pain from that now though. I assume that I did not see the car at all because it was dark and because the opium had affected my judgement. Next time, I might try a little more. Perhaps 3-4 rgs and in a bong not a pipe. In a few minutes, I'm going to go and have a rollie cigarette which yesterday, the paper was smeared with the white milk from a seed pod. I HAVE tried this before but i did not wait for the milk to dry and did not have nearly as much as is with this one.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 10977
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 3, 2005Views: 23,312
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Opium (63) : Glowing Experiences (4), Alone (16)

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