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The Most Visual Trip of My Life
Citation:   seven. "The Most Visual Trip of My Life: An Experience with 4-AcO-DMT (exp109806)". Jul 17, 2018.

  smoked Cannabis (plant material)
    oral 4-AcO-DMT (powder / crystals)
[Erowid Note: The dose described in this report is very high, potentially beyond Erowid's 'heavy' range, and could pose serious health risks or result in unwanted, extreme effects. Sometimes extremely high doses reported are errors rather than actual doses used.]
I had this research chemical, 4-aco-dmt what I bought on sale from a research chemical vendor, that I wanted to try out with a couple friends who I have had several trips with.

[Erowid Note: Two samples of powder (even of the same chemical) with equivalent volumes won't necessarily weigh the same. For this reason, eyeballing is an inaccurate and potentially dangerous method of measuring, particularly for substances that are active in very small amounts. See this article on The Importance of Measured Doses.]
The set and setting were pretty good. The people there were all good friends who I trusted, and had tripped before with most of them. Some people couldn’t make it however. There was one friend who didn’t trip, and decided to get drunk instead. This turned out to be a bad move, as he got a little aggressive as the evening proceeded. We all gathered at his place (the guy who got drunk). There were five of us who would trip, and two who wouldn’t, one who left early. Four of us dosed while the other three were away to go shopping. We had already smoked a joint prior, but we weren’t all that high yet. Originally, we wanted to go for 40 mg, but since some people couldn’t make it, we decided to go big and try 50. We couldn’t measure it very precisely as the scale we wanted to use turned out to be broken, so we just poured out the 500mg that I had and divided it in 10 equal looking piles. We each wrapped a pile in a small bit of rolling paper and swallowed it with some water.

Within 10 minutes it started coming up. We hadn’t anticipated it to come up this quickly, and it came up pretty strong as well. We could feel a distinct energy in out chest, reaching out to the rest of our body, reminiscent of LSD but much more powerful. The first visuals came soon after. The first visuals I got made everything seem 2D instead of 3D. everything also looked a bit choppy, as if I watched reality in a low framerate. Around this time our 3 friends came back, and one of them decided to trip as well.
The rest of the afternoon/evening was a bit of a blur. We watched some videos, and just had a really chill time hanging out, tripping. My friend and I had a pretty cool conversation with the little brother of the friend who hosted. I remember during the peak, everything was extremely funny. We were just constantly dying laughing at each other. At some point talking became difficult, so I just kept silent. Moving around was also difficult, because everything seemed to move around and we kept stumbling and almost falling. All the while, there were intense, defined visuals throughout my entire field of view. At one point while watching a really trippy video a friend had turned on, I could barely tell what was part of the video and what was me hallucinating. There were really detailed fractals and shapes projecting on walls, and on other people, although everyone remained “themselves” so to speak. There was this intense feeling of euphoria for a big part of the trip as well, everything just felt great and everyone was having a great time.

The one friend who didn’t trip and decided to get drunk instead was a bit of a liability. He got a bit aggressive, to the point where he was often physical attacking people, punching and kicking, mixed with really drunk dancing. He really hadn’t any bad intentions; it seemed like it was just funny to him, and whenever he realized he had hurt someone, he would apologize more than often, making sure the person he attacked was okay. The evening was characterized by him punching people however, to the point where a few of us actually almost decided to beat him up. We decided against this however, reminding each other how we valued him as a friend and how he was just really drunk. I did find a bruise on my neck from when he punched me the next day however, which just shows how he would hit really hard, seemingly not holding back. His aggression did make the whole experience a little less enjoyable.

There was a period in which I felt really awful, to the point where I almost went bad. I was lying in a bed, just feeling like shit, wanting to feel normal again but also dreading having the night end. It was a really bad time, and I actually became extremely sad and lonely. This showed me how much of a set and setting dependant drug this is. These 10 minutes of misery were hard to bear, and having an entire trip feeling like this sounds like a nightmarish experience.

Fortunately, when I rejoined my friends, I quickly recovered and felt great again. His was towards the comedown, and visuals were becoming less and less. However, the feeling of euphoria and fun slowly returned, though not at the level it was at during my peak. We all went home about an hour after, rolling one more joint for during the walk.

The entire experience took about 6 to 8 hours. I still felt some after effects when I got home at about half past twelve in the night (we dosed around 5 to 6 o’ clock at noon), but no more visuals and barely any cognitive effects. The next day I felt completely normal, no hangover and no afterglow.

In conclusion, it was a very enjoyable trip, and I would definitely do it again, though maybe not at an equally high dose. It was a very intense and visual trip. I believe being around people I enjoy and trust can be the difference between a great and an awful trip.

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 109806
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Jul 17, 2018Views: 1,091
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4-AcO-DMT (387) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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