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Some Notes on the Fly
Citation:   Renny. "Some Notes on the Fly: An Experience with 2C-B-Fly (exp109835)". Feb 22, 2017.

  oral 2C-B-Fly
    insufflated 2C-B-Fly
    rectal 2C-B-Fly
    smoked Cannabis
I'm a very experienced drug user.

Some say that 2C-B-FLY is a boring and 'transparent' drug with a very benign and natural feeling to it. Some say that it doesn't even feel like a drug at all. In some cases I have found this to be true. The effects seem to vary widely based on the route of administration used. I will share the 3 routes I have used along with the effects of each. This report will have a kind of cold and scientific tone to it, as I don't feel like sharing the intimate details of my life. If this sounds interesting to you, read on!

Trial #1 - oral dose/allergy test, an unknown but very small amount

My very first trial run with the fly. I eyeball a small amount 6mg or less and place it directly onto my tongue. First alerts are noticed at around the 2 and a half hour mark. It takes 3+ hours to really get going. It is a surprisingly strong euphoria in my brain. The high is completely cerebral. No head space alterations to be found, just a pleasant warming feeling in my head. The feeling is incredibly pleasant, but not overwhelming in any way. It would come and go in waves, feeling completely baseline one moment, unexplainably awesome euphoria emitting from the back of my head the next. In this way it reminded me of 2C-B, very pleasureful. The music enhancement was good. The bass takes on a sort of fuzzy texture and the intricacy stands out more. It is one of my favorite things I like about this drug and appears to be the most consistent phenomenon in my experience. The visual aspect was very subtle and mild, I took it during the day and there were visual enhancements, I think they were more apparent during the day. I felt more aware of my surroundings, little things stood out more that I hadn't noticed before.

Trial #2 - 22mg oral dose

After the initial test went well I decided to up the dose. This time it took just as long to come up. During the waiting period I started to doubt it was going to work at all. I was surprised that it didn't feel all that different from the first time. I found it to be surprisingly benign and underwhelming. I expected more out of this dose. I suppose tolerance could've played a role in this. A minimum of two weeks had passed since the first trial, although I suppose more time in between sessions couldn't hurt. It was considerably underwhelming until cannabis was added.
It was considerably underwhelming until cannabis was added.
A strong empathogenic effect was noted after adding cannabis. I found this effect to be similar to MDMA. The visuals were also similar to MDMA. The music enhancement was really great too. The duration was quite long. I would say that this experience was very different from other 2C drugs. I think 2C-B-FLY is in a league of its own.

Trial #3 - 10mg insufflated

Snorting the 2C-B-FLY was an idea I had to see if I could conserve material as well as to see (see what I did there?) how the effects might be altered by changing the route of administration. Snorting this substance quickly led to a familiar feeling of a strong body load commonly brought on by other 2Cs the body loads seems to be increased significantly by using quicker ingestion methods. More on this later. I found this experience to be like a mini acid trip, the head space was noticeably altered, while still having relatively few visuals. A strong physical component was noted, which was somewhat uncomfortable, but it wasn't too bad. The music sounded OK. There was an interesting sexual component to this, which gave me quite a bit of orgasm control. Overall it was short-lived and different. I don't wish to do it again, but I don't regret doing it either. The visuals were very bright, sparkly and out of the way... pixels on a smartphone screen glowed like never before. They reminded me of a serotonin releaser.

Trial #4 - 6mg rectal

I was not prepared for this. A very fast come up was noted with the anal administration method. I was fully up within an hour. This seemed very pushy and physically strong. My heart rate increased a bit, which was worrying. It may have had nothing to do with the fly, though. The visuals were the strongest during this test. Very generic 2c visuals were noted. Some fractal patterns were noticed on my computer screen. The most noteworthy visual of all was that my fingers appeared to be translucent, with a glowing liquid inside, I also noticed black zig zag lines in them. Color enhancement and awareness was greatly increased, along with music appreciation/enhancement. The head space reminded me of mushrooms or any other well revered psychedelic. I don't know if me consuming large amounts of nicotine right before this had any effect on the experiment. It was a very good rush, a bit scary though because I didn't see it coming. It was much stronger than expected. This seems like the way to get the most bang for your buck. I found it to be very harsh and borderline uncomfortable. I couldn't believe how strong it was with such a small amount of material used. I made the best of it, if I had known it was going to be so strong I could've had time to prepare
if I had known it was going to be so strong I could've had time to prepare
, perhaps leading to a more enjoyable experiment. The duration was cut in half. Instead of being a gradual 3 hour climb with a long plateau, it was a 30 minute come-up with brutal 2 hour plateau. Time dilation was noted. Watching TV was a very strange, atypical experience.

Overall I think this substance is an enjoyable one. It's definitely not 2C-B though. I was hoping for a good 2C-B replica and that is not really what this is. It does have its own unique qualities though and I found many of these qualities to be enjoyable. One thing I didn't mention is that this thing is a dream inducer, after an experiment I have dreams that occur more frequently. The after effects are comparable to MDMA or other phenethylamines, these after effects remain for at least 3 days. After effects include; turbulent emotions, increased lucidity, increased sensitivity, vivid dreams and anxiolytic type effects which can last for weeks.

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 109835
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Feb 22, 2017Views: 5,890
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2C-B-Fly (350) : General (1), Combinations (3), Retrospective / Summary (11), Unknown Context (20)

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