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I've Felt Beings Grab Me, Tug at Me
Citation:   Jinvex. "I've Felt Beings Grab Me, Tug at Me: An Experience with DMT (exp109863)". May 7, 2019.

DMT Trips in Physical Reality

Life has been shit for a time, fucking me hard. Now I was in a pretty precarious situation, in which I was stuck with living back in a shitty ghetto town with a heroin addicted father, because I had nowhere else to turn to, and had lost all that I had built the previous year before. Also to give a bit of further context, I myself have tripped soooooo many fucking times, it's retarded how easily drugs have came to me since I turned 16. I digress. I was now living in this ghetto town, and longboarding one day about two weeks into this period, I met a new best friend who happened to longboard as well, not only that, but this fucker knew how to make deems! And from there a beautiful friendship sparked, and deems became an everyday event
deems became an everyday event
. Which brings me to the actual trip experience stuff I'd like to talk about.

I've felt beings grab me, tug at me, I've felt myself go bald, literally ran my hand through my hair (I have thick long locks) and felt it falling out. Of course this wasn't real. But I feel like there are entities which do fuck with me and my physical format just for fun.

During some of my deems trips I've been on acid, and dabbed deems. Best experience I've ever had every time (I have yet to do deems on molly), but I would see at some point this weird angelic statue figure come over me its hands cupped, then they would part, and water would fall on my face. I would physically feel this liquid.

One night I dabbed deems, feel back onto my bed, woke up in my deems trips on a clinical bed, tubes running through my body, and weird geometric visual skinned, aliens peering over me. I then had several intense flashbacks to my childhood, that almost seemed movie like, in the sense that this was a plot twist, showing me that this reality isn't real. I then had so much anxiety from this realization that I started wishing to wake up so I could smoke a cigarette. I came out of that with so much anxiety. I've never woken up from a deems trip in a severe panic attack, unable to breath.

I think what happened is I had fallen asleep asleep while the deems was coming on because I was already insanely tired.

[Reported Substances: "DMT, Cannabis, LSD & Alcohol"]

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 109863
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: May 7, 2019Views: 792
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DMT (18) : Combinations (3), Entities / Beings (37), Retrospective / Summary (11), Unknown Context (20)

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