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Beware the Hangover
Alcohol - Hard
Citation:   PacoLoco. "Beware the Hangover: An Experience with Alcohol - Hard (exp10992)". Mar 24, 2006.

6 shots oral Alcohol - Hard (liquid)
Me and my friends went camping. We figured to make it a little more comical we'd bring along a handle of Jack Daniel's. So we get the fire roasting, and enjoy some hotdogs over the camp fire. Then we break out the Jack. I had never drank before. So my friend said its pretty easy to mix with Cherry Coke. So we proceded to do about a shot of Jack for ever 10 oz of Cherry Coke. I drank 3 of those. Each one had a little more alcohol in than the rest. Then I took 2 straight shots, just for the experience. So I figured about 6 drinks total. This was over about a 2 hour time period, and with food in the stomach.

Now I felt weird. I felt fuzzy, and just plain dumb. It basically mimicked sleep deprivation I thought. Just a plain careless, dumb, inhibiting feeling. So we went to bed, and upon waking up I felt like crap. I had about 20oz of water before I went to bed to make sure I wasn't so dehydrated. I woke up with a weird headache. Then I puked about 10 minutes later. I figured whatever... just remnants left over I'll be fine. So I take some water to get some fluid in my system. I puked again. I tried different things to make me stop puking but nothing would stop it. I ended up puking about 6 times. It was horrible. I mean I barely had anything to drink based on the amount of time I took it in.

I don't plan on drinking anytime soon ever again. I don't know what I did wrong, cause I've seen guys smaller than me do 6 shots within 15 minutes and wake up just fine. I just figure maybe my hangovers will be really bad. It was a horrible experience though, not something I would try again in the near future thats for sure.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 10992
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 24, 2006Views: 10,102
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Alcohol - Hard (198) : Hangover / Days After (46), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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