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I Decided to Take It Slow
Citation:   Lolli. "I Decided to Take It Slow: An Experience with Kratom (exp109924)". Feb 18, 2017.

5 g oral Kratom (ground / crushed)
First Time Kratom Powdered Leaf Experience

Specific strain: Bali

Dosed around 5G powdered leaf around 8AM on an empty stomach, and while the packaging recommended taking the powder plain and chasing with water I decided to take it slow and make a tea with a bit of stevia. Taste was terrible, but not a deterrent- will likely use water only next time and chug vs. sip. The tea was more of an effort to ensure that I didn't overdo it for my body size.

Finished the tea around 8:30. Effects began to set in:

Initial: Slightly numb throat due to local anesthetic properties- similar to Kava but much less intense, Minor visual tracking delay, balance differences, feeling the air around my skin become 'softer' in a way. Minor itching, skin gradually became somewhat numb where my nails had dug in.

Consistent effects: Skin feels warm, air continued to feel like a soft highly breathable blanket, somewhat sleepy but clear headed, continued mild eye tracking delays, less sensitive to touch/pain. After around an hour I felt less sedated but still high and was able to get up and do things around my apartment. Music is also pleasant on this substance.

I'd say this substance is like a mild mix of the effects I get from Hydrocodone and Klonopin. No nausea or vomiting, and the only uncomfortable effect was my own anxiety prior to my first dose coupled with the slight throat numbing that was unexpected.

Will definitely be trying this and other strains again- lovely experience.

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 109924
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 26
Published: Feb 18, 2017Views: 2,432
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