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In a Hurry
Picamilon, Fasoracetam, Oxiracetam & Adrafinil
Citation:   sparked. "In a Hurry: An Experience with Picamilon, Fasoracetam, Oxiracetam & Adrafinil (exp109974)". Apr 6, 2020.

T+ 0:00
30 mg oral Fasoracetam
  T+ 0:00 1000 mg oral Smarts - Oxiracetam
  T+ 0:35 150 mg oral Picamilon
  T+ 0:35 350 mg oral Adrafinil
I had a wedding to get to. It was around 388 miles away, so about six hours to go - assuming no traffic. And being a busy procrastinator, I forgot to ask off work, forcing me to leave the office a little early on Friday, then drive home on a Sunday. I booked my hotel at the last minute Friday morning.

A bit of background: I am an avid nootropics user - usually piracetam, but I've expiremented with quite a few others. At the time of this experience I was mixing fasoracetam - which had a tendency to make me lethargic - with oxiracetam, which gives me a speedy boost.
At the time of this experience I was mixing fasoracetam - which had a tendency to make me lethargic - with oxiracetam, which gives me a speedy boost.
ALCAR (1000mg T+0) was included to stop the resulting headaches.

I meant to leave the office early - there was a Friday night cocktail hour I wanted to get to, that started around 10:00pm. One of my major obstacles would be passing Cincinnati, and I wanted to get through there before rush hour. So I decided to get out of the office around 3:00pm. I packed everything into my car the night before so I wouldn't have to stop by home, just get straight on the road.

I left the office in time and took my afternoon dose of racetams. Once underway, I noticed I neglected to fill up the gas tank last night, and stopped for fuel just a few miles out of downtown. Whoops, I forgot the credit card I would need to pay for the whole trip. I was forced to return home and pick that up. The round trip home plus traffic in my hometown resulted in an hour delay - meaning I was going to hit Cincinnati directly in the middle of rush hour!

At home, nearing panic, I noticed I had one last pill of picamilon left laying around. Just what I need, to stay calm and focused on driving. I downed it with some adrafinil as now I knew that I was going to be in for a long night.

About 25 minutes later, on open interstate, I noticed a head change.

Colors. Colors began to get more vivid. I started thinking less - my inner narrator slowly grew quiet and eventually turned off altogether. I was acutely aware of my speed, the RPM of the engine, the placement of other cars on the interstate, and increasingly less aware of myself and my emotions. I stopped paying attention to the music on the radio, of road signs, of the landmarks I knew on this stretch of interstate I had travelled many times. No loss of reaction time, no loss of alertness, no loss of sense of direction: I knew exactly what to do, at every moment, in an instinctive sort of way. It was almost like full-bore autopilot and I had merged with the car.

I snapped out the trance right as I hit the rush hour traffic in Cincinnati, due to some road construction everyone came to a full stop for maybe 5 minutes. At that point, realized I couldn't remember the drive outside of home to this point - about an hour and a half, total. At this I was definitely still altered, but quickly returning to normal.

Further research led me to believe the fasoracetam and picamilon interacted in a big way. I believe I reached a state similar to black-out drunk, but without the impairment that booze brings.

I'll gladly try it again if I can find more picamilon.

[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 109974
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 33
Published: Apr 6, 2020Views: 1,793
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Picamilon (322), Fasoracetam (913) : Alone (16), Combinations (3)

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