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I Would Definitely Rather Be Safe Than Sorry
Citation:   nodman. "I Would Definitely Rather Be Safe Than Sorry: An Experience with U-47700 (exp110030)". Mar 23, 2017.

  insufflated U-47700 (liquid)
My First Date With U-47700

Background: I am a physically fit, 5'11', 220lb male. I have had experience with many drugs in the past, particularly fond of opiates, but being recently subjected to random UA's as a result of pre-trial bond release, options are slim in that area. I've been using Kratom regularly for a few weeks in moderate to high doses, waiting for my USPS to ship my 'First-Class' package across the U.S. I ordered one gram of what is claimed to be u-47700 from an online vendor and decided to give it a shot.

Preparation: After receiving my shipment after about two weeks of anxiously waiting, I massed the sample and it came out to just over a gram. However, I would not trust this scale on a milligram level, and given U-4's potency I proceeded with volumetric dosing
given U-4's potency I proceeded with volumetric dosing
(I'm a second year chemistry student so I have at least a little experience in this area). I prepared a nasal spray solution in a particularly large spray bottle (holds about 50 mL) and starting small, dissolved one gram in 50 mL creating a solution with a concentration of 20mg/mL. Each spray (.1mL) would therefore be 2mg approximately.

Administration: After preparing the solution and finally getting all the powder to dissolve, I prepared my dosing mechanism and did a baseline dose of 2mg orally in case I received a wrong, much more potent substance (such as a fentanyl analog). I waited a little over 30 minutes. Felt a very small bit of dissociation and mood elevation, possibly placebo, but could have been due to the U-4. After feeling confident that it was safe and was indeed U-4, I proceeded to administer 6mg intranasally over the next 45 minutes.

So far, I am very pleased with the effects I have felt. I know this isn't a particularly large dose but I would definitely rather be safe than sorry. Decent euphoric effects even in this small dose, good relaxation and mood effects overall. The drip tastes like any other straight chemical would, with a decent rush in the beginning and tapers off into a smooth buzz. It's only been an hour, but no adverse effects have been noted, and I am still going strong after one hour despite many reports of how short U-4's legs are. I am not sure how apt I will be to try other research chems in fear of false positives.

EDIT: I proceeded to up the dose to about 16 mg over the course of about 30 minutes and I got a one way ticket to nodsville. Good quality stuff, one of my favorite opioid like substance i've tried, redosing is however a great urge considering the short duration. I do not recommend to anyone who cannot stick to a strict dosing schedule.

EDIT 2.0: After re dosing once more about an hour ago I started to have a pretty scary panic attack that subsided after about 30 minutes. Though it's possible that U-4 could have slightly contributed, I believe it's simply coincidence as I have these kind of panic attacks regularly. Regardless, anyone with panic disorder should be wary of high doses when anxious.

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 110030
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Mar 23, 2017Views: 6,981
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U-47700 (694) : Alone (16), First Times (2)

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