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If Not for His Girlfriend Calling 911
Baclofen & Heroin
Citation:   Kathy. "If Not for His Girlfriend Calling 911: An Experience with Baclofen & Heroin (exp110031)". Mar 1, 2017.

  insufflated Heroin
  13 tablets oral Pharms - Baclofen
  15 tablets oral Pharms - Baclofen
My son took between 24-29 pills after reading online that people took 30 at one time and didn't have any serious side effects.

He is addicted to heroin, snorting it. He was starting withdrawal symptoms: back pain.

He took 13 then took 15 or so. He was unable to wake up, 911 was called, he was very aggressive when they worked on him. They gave him something to calm him down. In the struggle the bed broke.

On the way to the hospital he became short of breath and unresponsive, they intubated him at the hospital. He is now awake and alert. This drug is dangerous. If not for his girlfriend calling 911, and the team that worked on him, he'd be dead. He's going into inpatient rehab hopefully today.

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 110031
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 24
Published: Mar 1, 2017Views: 6,305
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Pharms - Baclofen (514) : Second Hand Report (42), Overdose (29), Health Problems (27), Combinations (3), Unknown Context (20)

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