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Alone With My Thoughts Ending My Depression
Morning Glory
Citation:   Adventurer. "Alone With My Thoughts Ending My Depression: An Experience with Morning Glory (exp110081)". May 21, 2018.

500 seeds oral Morning Glory (seeds)
[Erowid Note: The dose described in this report is very high, potentially beyond Erowid's 'heavy' range, and could pose serious health risks or result in unwanted, extreme effects. Sometimes extremely high doses reported are errors rather than actual doses used.]
(0 hours in) Had heard about morning glory as an alternative to LSD and having not had any psychedelics prior to the experience was extremely interested to try it. (To add a bit of background to myself, I was severely depressed and didn't even understand depression until I had seen a psychiatrist whom determined I needed to be treated for depression rather than the anxiety I thought I was dealing with at the time.) I used a coffee grinder to grind down 500 seeds and mixed them in with chocolate pudding to mask the taste while chasing this mixture with water. It was easier to get down than I had thought.

(1 hour in) I don't feel anything yet but do however feel an upset stomach. I began to lie down and watch YouTube videos to pass the time not knowing how long it would take to kick in.

(2 hours in) I start to feel a bit different at the two hour mark and things began to pick up. The first thing I started to feel was an intense buzzing throughout my entire body but not in a numb way like I was used to with opiates but in a very euphoric way. I no longer could focus on the YouTube videos I was watching and started listening to music.

(4 hours in) At this point I'm experiencing this full on and its like no other drug i've used up until this point. I've used Xanax, opiates, weed, and alcohol but this dealt different because I feel my emotions like I've never felt them before. Having been unaware of having depression for years of my life I understood the true value in having happiness that didn't feel self-medicated. I was in pure bliss.

(5 hours in) The experience has gotten even more intense the more I concentrated on my self and my own well being in life. I was in a dark place at this point and was looking for another high but this 'drug' was completely different. I began focusing on complex ideas and understanding why I thought the way I did and how others around me think to better help my perception of people. I then looked at a tree in darkness outside my window as if it were truly alive. I could see it in greater clarity visually along with everything around it as if someone slapped an HD filter on my brain.

(6 hours in) I'm having difficulty sleeping, which for me was nothing new having averaged four hours of sleep a night for months on end, but what was different was that I didn't care. I felt a peace with being able to take this time to reflect on myself and have a loving and positive connection with everything around me. I listened to more music( which by the way sent chills up my spine because of how good it sounded) until I faded out of consciousness and woke up in the morning only a couple hours later for school.

(8 hours in) Having never taken this substance before I hadn't an idea of when I would stop tripping. I was waking up for school and was still tripping very hard. My morning routine went fantastic and rather than feeling nervous I felt prepared for the day ahead. By the time I got to school and looked up at the clear blue skies and the green trees there was an unsung connection amongst everything and everyone that seemed so valuable at the time.

( 13 hours in) it's lunch hour at my school and I'm finally coming back down to a baseline and thinking clearly. I went about my day happier than I had been in years.

(Conclusion) a year later after having had this experience I had stopped taking the antidepressants in which I was taking the day after I took the morning glory. It sounds insane by acredit the morning glory whole heartedly to curing my depression because the experience was that profound. In addition I've yet to touch another pill in my life in terms of the pharmaceuticals I was abusing. I can finally live my life without a weight over my head. I see value in psychedelics if used properly for people and I hope there are others out there like me that have had similar experiences.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 110081
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: May 21, 2018Views: 878
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Morning Glory (38) : Unknown Context (20), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Hangover / Days After (46), Depression (15), Glowing Experiences (4), First Times (2), General (1)

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