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This Was a Buzz Kill
Opium & Cannabis
by Alex
Citation:   Alex. "This Was a Buzz Kill: An Experience with Opium & Cannabis (exp11014)". May 23, 2018.

  smoked Cannabis (plant material)
    smoked Opium  
    smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
I was on a weekend trip once and the airline had lost my bags. As a result, the trip went to waste, and I resorted to drugs to make my stay more flavorful. I scored some bud and smoked some bowls, but later on a friend of mine suggest that we smoke some of his black tar Opium. Now I'd had some Opium sprinkled on pot before, but it wasn't ever that great so I was skeptical. I thought perhaps I hadn't ever really smoked enough so I told him to go ahead and load up a bowl. He took out a huge nugget (the size of those big gumballs you get in quarter machines) and we smoked it all. The stuff tasted alot like flowers (which makes me think that it wasn't fake or anything, because that's what other people say it tastes like), and despite rumors that it burns the throat, it went down fairly easily for me. Having smoked some pot earlier, I expected my high to get even better, so we sat around and waited. After a little while, I decided I wasn't feeling it at all. In fact, I felt like my pot high had receded a bit, so I lit up a cigarette to try and kick in the high. Nothing. I felt a nicotine buzz, and my pot high resurfaced a bit, but then vanished. From what I could tell, the only distinct feeling the Opium caused was perhaps some fatigue and a blurring of the senses - the kind I get from being very mildly drunk. I felt absolutely no desire to do it again, and I think overall it killed whatever high I could've had. I would never pay money for this substance.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 11014
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 23, 2018Views: 2,758
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Cannabis (1), Opium (63) : General (1), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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