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What Planet Am I On
Citation:   Julian. "What Planet Am I On: An Experience with DXM (exp110163)". Mar 22, 2017.

  oral DXM (liquid)
So I have really been stressed out and I wanted to get out of my senses. I heard about DXM from my friend. The only thing I didn't know was the dose. It was nighttime. Probably six o'clock and I chugged the whole bottle.

It was horrible tasting. I felt really sick. There was a few friends with me. I walked back to my dad's house. I ended up not being hungry so I went to lay down. I figure that nothing was going to happen because it been almost fifty minutes.

Then all of a sudden it hit me
all of a sudden it hit me
. I started seeing vines growing thru my window and I still felt sick. All of a sudden a small trashcan appeared on my bed when I turned over. I stood up and bam, I had a hard time walking, I was tripping out and just stood and looked around. There were a lot of geometric colors. I got back in bed and started playing my guitar. I was super happy. At this point it's been an hour and fifteen minutes. I started singing about love and strumming my guitar. The lights have been off for the last few minutes. Then I made an awesome discovery. I went ahead and turned the lights on. I could hear a buzzing sound for a few seconds and got so high. I could feel energy coursing thru my body. It was like a really good cannabis high. But almost a synthetic version.

I walked out of my room as my buzz was fading and my sister wanted me to write something for her. I wrote it but it was all wrong. I misspelled every word. I am a good speller when I'm sober. DXM worked really good. But I think it kills way more brain cells than drinking and smoking. I've done both and not felt as dumb as I have after this trip.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 110163
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 16
Published: Mar 22, 2017Views: 2,670
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DXM (22) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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