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Similar to Lorazepam
Citation:   Jonnyboy369. "Similar to Lorazepam: An Experience with Diclazepam (exp110202)". Apr 6, 2017.

2 mg oral Diclazepam

Diclazepam. I got 120mg of it because I've been using etizolam to combat General anxiety disorder probably brought on by years of last drinking. I don't drink anymore.

Etizolam seemed a miracle cure, and is still my favorite RC benzo for effects. It has alot good to be said about it. It isn't perfect for all things though. Oddly, one thing it's not good for is work. It produces a little too much euphoria and it distracts from a workday. Also, I work like ten hour warehouse shift with some good folks, and alot more annoying people. I really just want something long lasting that squashes the anxiety all day.

Hence Diclazepam. I have to say, as far as benzos it seems to act just like lorazepam except even longer. Lorazepam is for me a pretty boring benzo but it kicks ass at reducing anxiety better than pretty much any benzo I know of. I have a long drug-seeking medical history so I'm stuck with RC benzos.

The first day I took 2 mg diclaz and within 15 minutes my anxiety was nil. This was a blessing in a loud noisy annoying warehouse. The half life seems so long I really only dose those 2 mg a couple of times a week and my anxiety is completely gone.

There is alot of hate on diclazepam, and no it is not fun like etizolam. For functional work shit though, I don't want euphoria. I just want my day not to suck. Overdoing etizolam just a bit at work and I would be be visibly intoxicated.

Clonazolam is even more fun but is only good For that at home in a safe place. Diclaz acts just like lorazepam to me, which is a fantastic benzo just not particularly euphoric. Also, 6 mg I tried of just straight diclaz and had amazing muscle relaxation and sleep. Diclaz is not shit, it's just utilitarian. I ordered a few more etizolam just for fun, but diclaz is my new favorite functional benzo.

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 110202
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 36
Published: Apr 6, 2017Views: 4,346
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Diclazepam (670) : Workplace (51), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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