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Explosions In The Sky
by JuJu
Citation:   JuJu. "Explosions In The Sky: An Experience with LSD (exp110268)". Apr 14, 2017.

1 hit oral LSD (blotter / tab)
  2 hits smoked Cannabis (extract)
    smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
I took my 175ug tab at 10:15 pm. I was sitting on a chair on the back porch surrounded by my old pals that I hadn't seen in months. I let the tab sit under my tongue and swallow it after about 15 minutes. I thought swallowing the tab could decrease the intensity if this were a dose I couldn't handle. (I was probably wrong but I felt safer this way).

I just sit and watch my bud play DJ hero and have some laughs. After about 35 minutes I find myself on the ground mesmerized by the carpet. I notice the fabric move around almost like worms (take with a grain of salt).

Now I'm an hour in, and I head outside for a cigarette. I'm starting to come to terms with how the chemical feels. I lay on the ground with music on and watch the stars slightly fall before me. I head inside and just chill while they watch videos and smoke dabs. Though I know trip sitters should be sober, I made this exception, seeing as I too had taken just 2 small dabs. The feeling now was almost strictly bodily, like I was completely sunk into my comfy chair. I make small talk with my close friend's brother. I have one more smoke and head into my friends basement at 3am.

I get behind his piano and fiddle around, really try to get my pent up music energy out. At this point I understand this 'at home' feeling I've read about. Every other moment feels welcoming, like a new perspective has brought me warm hospitality. Now close to 4am I lay on the couch in my friends basement while he rest on the couch a few feet away. I put on some of my favorite music including bedroom pop like Starry Cat and some Explosions In The Sky. Visually, I found myself lost in the album covers on the tv screen. It was like one still frame was a whole psychedelic masterpiece. if I notice a certain pattern, it tends to be repeated and repeated. I can somewhat control where my visuals take me.

I learned a lot of information on acid. Lots of answers to questions without thinking too hard, answers seem to roll off my head. Like art. Art was one of the most important realizations during this trip. I realized that life was created somehow, just as art is, simply created, making universal consciousness art itself. I realize that the mind is the most sincere form of art.

Another effect from the trip was out of control bodily movements. I lay on the couch for hours letting my mind shut off the best it can and my arm moves high across my cold face. I tend to be moving and rubbing my clothes a lot. This movement keeps me grounded throughout the duration of my experience. This lead me to become connected to the universal pulse that moves within us, in our hearts. The music playing from the TV definitely amplified this 'pulse' idea. For awhile I trick myself into thinking if I wasn't moving I'd have bad thoughts, though this subsides. Other visual aspects included staring at the little specs and glares on the sink and having them completely cover my visual field. On the couch I trace and draw on the fabric for over an hour, with the light from the TV shading the room, while crib mobiles hang from the ceiling.

The hours that followed were somewhat zombie-like. I presumed this to be the 'comedown'. I woke up my friend to ask if I could go watch the sun rise on his back porch. The screen doors were left open so I was welcomed with fresh air and a chilly temperature. I wander around viewing the rising sun and just explore around in his backyard. I head back inside and wrap a big blanket around me on the couch. I let the hours pass as I feel a bit burned out and sweaty, fairly aware of my altered mindset. I concluded that Acid can really hurt my brain if I try to gain control, it's like my conscious will try to push Lucy out of the driver's seat and it will disturb her greatly. Every time I thought 'I'm on acid right now?! I didn't really need to do this did I!?' I'd feel a pinch in my brain and readjust myself.

This substance is made for people who can easily watch life go by without worrying or putting in maximum conscious effort. I see now why meditation is an important skill to have. Overall this was a pleasant and somewhat enlightening experience. Though the comedown the day after is difficult to overcome. Still slight feelings of disconnection and numbness but definitely a more open mind and a better acceptance of my outer and inner universe; especially now after puffing some grass.

I plan on using this substance only few times in my life, because now I'm aware of the beneficial yet overwhelming at times chemical.

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 110268
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Apr 14, 2017Views: 1,411
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LSD (2) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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