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The Face of God on a Mountain Top
Morning Glory Seeds
Citation:   Exploringeye. "The Face of God on a Mountain Top: An Experience with Morning Glory Seeds (exp11029)". May 31, 2002.

600 seeds oral Morning Glory
I had decided to push the limits and potential of my morning glory seeds collection for spiritual reasons. I wanted to see if these mere seeds could equal the profound experiences I've had on acid. I had about 600 seeds left... and one glorious calfornian friday afternoon, I chewed them all up.

I'm not gonna to lie to you all, this was horrible. Just disgusting, and I gagged when I swallowed them. To offset the nausea I had taken ginger, worked well in the past and hoped this would make a difference on this particular exploration. I then walked off heading to the bus, I wanted to go to my favorite tripping spot... Irvine park.

On the fairly long walk to the bus stop, I started to feel the onset of the trip. Things were more alive like on acid, moving around yet still. Colors were slightly brighter. Things were vast. Waiting for the bus, I listened to music, enjoying what I considered a very pleasant onset... no nausea whatsoever. When I got on the bus, I began to feel uneasy. I thought maybe it was hunger, and since eating hadn’t ruined my previous MG experience, I figured what the hell... BIG MISTAKE. So I went to Del taco. Tacos, ginger and seeds are not a good mix if one wants to avoid sickness.

Anyway, soon after the tacos, I began to feel pretty nauseated. However, I was determined to fight on, catching a bus to Irvine park. To take my mind of the nausea which was growing worse and worse, I was humming a song from desperado over and over again in my head. Inflating my ego, which makes me feel tougher and more able to deal with shit like stomach sickness. I was feeling so nauseated that the onset of the trip wasn’t even registering in my mind. I couldn’t believe it, I thought it was going to be a bummer trip, (managed to avoid them in all my psychedlic adventures). When I got to Irvine Park, I rushed into the bathroom, had diarrhea and barfed big time. It was extremely nasty but afterwards I felt better.

As I ventured up the mountain trail, my trip became very heavy. The clouds and the sunlight became much vaster like oceans of distances, colors brighten and deepened even more, the sounds was vivid and become visual in the movement of the trees, things are alive, nature was breathing through me. I was feeling very intense feelings and finding myself unable to think about frivilous things.

I meditated with the birds, danced with trees, and ran through the trail flowing with the plants besides me that seem to give me inner energy. Somehow, I got it in my head, that I must climb to the top of the mountain. So, I ventured up the steepest trail, as I did this my trip intensified, I was running out of breath, my heart was racing, but I ignored it, plummeting forward. I turned around, the sun was setting, what a sight. However, I did not pause long, turning back to the rocky beast before me.

The mountain became a challenge, a monster I must slay, this thinking wore me down. I began thinking, well more feeling something that on reflections seemed to me that I was a guest of the mountain. It was no longer a monster, it was a friend and climbing to the top was just showing it the respect it deserved. Finally I reached the top. Boom, it was like a feeling of ten spiritual orgasms as I looked over the edge of the mountain. For a few moments I felt entirely connected with everything more then ever before, I opened up my arms like christ. I then collapsed to the ground, out of breath. Finally when I caught my breathe, I sat down on the mountain right at the edge of a very steep slope. I remember watching two birds fly past and communicating with them teleplathically.

Looking back, I think it was real. And those birds gave me a little show answering my requests. Or perhaps not…. Anyway, after a while I felt I should head down and enjoy the rest of my trip climbing back down rather then climbing down when it was over. Perhaps that decision was wise, perhaps note. But I felt like I had gained all the knowledge I could from that mountain top. As I climbed down, I began to feel very sick, and eventually barfed and had more shit. It was nasty, I wiped my ass with the bus book, thank god I had it.

Anyway, after that I felt much better. My trip was still pretty intense but it was on the downward slope. however all of a sudden my thinking started to go geometric. I began thinking about the earth and theorizing that it is a being in itself and we were parts of it, so was the universe. We were all connected on some level. There is a connection between humans and animals, but animals are wihtout a distinct level as us humans, we have thus separated from mother earth a bit because of it. And with these trips we can tap into that earthly connection. The native american tribes talked much about this, before I doubted thier primative ideas, but now...

I also began to think about what is really important in life… compassion, exploration, love, peace, these connections and such… passion. These simple yet complex things are what is important not the illusions, delusions and games of everyday life. These colorful playgrounds we live in are important for our survival but in the long run they means nothing. As I walked down I felt like moses, having touched the face of god on the mountain top. Was that the face of god? I don’t know, but it was a great journey. Perhaps one of you can get lucky with these seeds.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 11029
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 31, 2002Views: 22,516
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Morning Glory (38) : Glowing Experiences (4), Health Problems (27), Alone (16)

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