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From Skeptic to Believer
Citation:   Kvitrafn. "From Skeptic to Believer: An Experience with Kratom (exp110351)". Apr 28, 2017.

6 g oral Kratom (tea)
I have been a long-time heroin user, IV oxy, IV coke, IV MDA/MDMA, IV meth, and I've even shot whiskey on a couple of occasions (and no, contrary to everyone else's experiences, it did NOT burn). There is a plethora of other drugs I have used but I don't feel it necessary to list them here as I hope the previous list will give the reader confidence in my opinion on this subject, kratom.

I have read so much about this odd substance but never knew where to find it. The internet has constantly told me that the DEA has made it illegal and it would be impossible to find, so I never really looked for it. Also, the experience reports I have read have never really left me with much desire for trying it out. I mean, after all, it's LEGAL, so how good can it really be?? Many experience reports talked of users having to seriously ask themselves if they were actually feeling anything: 'So, I took some capsules and after an hour I kinda thought that I was SORT OF MAYBE PERHAPS feeling a fuzz off of baseline...I THINK.' From what I had gathered, it sounded more like a nootropic gimmick than a psychoactive substance worth happy I am to report that there is some serious legitimacy to this powdered plant.

I purchased a 30 gram packet of powdered leaf of the 'Maeng da' variety, at least according to its packaging. To be honest, I did buy it from a retailer who also specialized in selling meth pipes and butane torches, so I cannot guarantee the strain or potency, ha, ha.

After researching the most effective ways to ingest this dense green powder, I decided to make a tea out of it. I added two and a half full teaspoons of the earthy, musky scented finely ground powder to about eight ounces of boiling water. It smelled of green tea. Even the powder itself in its packaging smelled of green tea. To this mixture I added a generous amount of sugar as nearly all the user reports I had read mentioned the god-awful taste that kratom brings; even to the point that some articles were titled, 'How to drink kratom without puking,' ha, ha.

Once again, this is a subjective report, and I will say that after adding about two tablespoons of sugar to my tea it was absolutely delicious! Now, I enjoy IPAs, I put vinegar on my french fries, I prefer mustard to ketchup on EVERYTHING, so my taste buds may be more acclimated to bitter substances in general. But damn, I thought it tasted excellent.

I had eaten a full dinner about two hours before my ingestion
I had eaten a full dinner about two hours before my ingestion
, but from the literature I had read I should have imbibed on an empty stomach. This led me to use a higher dose than what some recommend as a first time use of say 2-4 grams.

About twenty minutes after finishing my tea and searching 'Live News Fails' on YouTube, I realized I was laughing at these ridiculous videos much harder that I had been earlier in the night. My face was warm and I couldn't stop smiling. I felt (and still feel) so incredibly content with the world. I am now an hour and a half into my high and I still feel as I did when I began to come up.

Rightfully so, many people describe kratom as an opioid... although according to my personal experience I wouldn't compare it like that. Remember now, this is a subjective report from someone who has used the shit out of just about every opioid/opiate known to man, and while I do feel some superficial similarity of my roughly six grams of kratom to perhaps 20 mg of hydrocodone taken orally (the warm face, the big smile), I think a much better comparison could be made to Xanax. Honestly, if it weren't for all of the information I had read comparing kratom to Vicodin, I don't think I would have ever even thought of making the connection between the two.
if it weren't for all of the information I had read comparing kratom to Vicodin, I don't think I would have ever even thought of making the connection between the two.
I experience anxiety on the regular. This stuff feels so much like Xanax it is ridiculous. That contentment and stress relief that only comes from a benzo is overwhelmingly present. Looking at the world through rose-colored glasses, so to speak. My extremities feel light as though I am walking at maybe three-quarters of our normal gravity.

Funny enough, as I sit here and finish typing out this report, I have realized I am beginning to clench my jaw a bit. Not stimulant status by any means, but certainly not something I would have expected from a substance which, as I stated earlier, is so comparable to a benzodiazepine.

It has now been two hours since my initial dose. The euphoria which I had felt earlier is gradually subsiding, but rather than leading to a terrible dysphoria as so many drugs often do it is just making me sleepier and sleepier. A very pleasant and very natural progression. Final thoughts: I have no idea how varied the strength and quality is of other suppliers of kratom. I am sure I got lucky with this brand and strain. I am so, so, SO, impressed by the effects.

PS: In the spirit of objectivity, I feel this is important to note. As I finish this article, it has been three hours since I drank my tea. My jaw is clenching as if I had done a load of coke, and now my legs are bouncing as if I had done the same. It's super weird, though, because while I am experiencing these physical effects indicative of having ingested a stimulant, there is absolutely nothing correlative mentally, i.e. no anxiety, no dysphoria, etc. It's worth the $15, no doubt. God bless you all!

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 110351
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 29
Published: Apr 28, 2017Views: 2,560
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Kratom (203) : Alone (16), Glowing Experiences (4), First Times (2)

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