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Two Pills Known as Blue Batmans
Unknown sold as MDMA
Citation:   Jerry. "Two Pills Known as Blue Batmans: An Experience with Unknown sold as MDMA (exp110401)". May 24, 2018.

1 tablet oral Bad/Suspect Ecstasy  
  1 tablet insufflated Bad/Suspect Ecstasy (ground / crushed)
Scary 2C-B Trip ["2 pills not sure of quantity -- 2C-B I think"]

I was given two pills known as Blue Batmans, these pills were sold to me as MDMA pills which I am very familiar with. I was told they had a ‘trippy’ element to them but decided to ignore that detail as I have done other MDMA based pills with visual effects in the past.

I dropped one pill at a bar and was only just starting to feel the effects of the drug when I decided to snort the second. About 5 minutes after consumption of the second pill I realised these weren’t MDMA pills as I started having very, very intense visuals that seemed like the whole world in front of me got literally flipped upside down and began to spin in slow motion. I was tripping fucking balls and was feeling very uncomfortable with the strength of the pills and decided to leave the club with my friend who was also tripping.

Almost immediately it was as if I was looking through a kaleidoscope and I was very confused as to what was going on around me. I had a very unnerving feeling that there was hair on my face almost as if I had walked through a thick spider web and couldn’t escape this feeling for the duration of the peak trip (about 3 more hours).

I started to get very scared and entered what can only be described as a bad trip and started to tremble intensely and feel an overwhelming sensation of pain, fear, and general feeling that nothing was okay and everything was very negative. I can’t describe the intensity of this terror and anxiety as if nothing was ever going to be alright. It didn’t help that I had recently had a shoulder dislocation and the trip seemed to amplify the discomfort in my shoulder. I felt extremely cold and uncomfortable.

This is where it gets weird. My thoughts turned against me and I started to overthink literally everything.
I started to overthink literally everything.
An existential mind-fuck. Eventually, the extent of my vision was reduced to just black and every individual/ person was nothing more than what I can only describe as beacon of energy. Every person was a tiny light on and endless and intricate railway of lines. Some were bigger and brighter and fuller of energy and they seemed to be the people who were happier and more influential towards the people around them. Almost like every bright beacon was surrounded by dimmer balls of energy which represented the less extroverted people and seemed to be feeding off the larger beacon.

My whole perspective on life changed, my perspective of the human race was reduced to just another weird, alien organism that just happened to have more a complex form communication and technology than other animals. It was scary and depressing at the time and but also had a profound effect on how I perceive the world around me today.

Would possibly try again knowing it is a thought provoking hallucinogen and not MDMA as I did learn a lot from the experience.

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 110401
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: May 24, 2018Views: 1,385
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Unknown (120), Bad/Suspect Ecstasy (567) : What Was in That? (26), Club / Bar (25)

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