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Garden Centre Psychedelic
LSA & Cannabis
Citation:   Mimwell. "Garden Centre Psychedelic: An Experience with LSA & Cannabis (exp110478)". Jun 11, 2017.

T+ 0:00
1 cig. smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 0:30 4.5 g sublingual Morning Glory (ground / crushed)
  T+ 0:00     Ginger (tea)
  T+ 4:00 3 bowls smoked Cannabis (plant material)

I'm interested in psychedelics, having taken LSD, DMT, and salvia numerous times, as well as other drugs like MDMA and of course cannabis. I've had moments on these drugs where I was uncomfortable, but never any major distress or discomfort to the point where it negatively affected my trip. After doing some reading about some of the natural sources for alkaloids like LSD, I learned about LSA. What struck me most was that this was a chemical that I could find much easier than LSD, instead of having to order it off the darkweb, I simply went down to my local gardening centre and bought several packs of Morning Glory 'Heavenly Blue' seeds. The particular brand was sold by OSC Seeds, and after researching their products, I found out that the seeds were of the Ipomoea purpurea variety. About a week prior to the experience describe in detail below, I took 1.5g of these crushed seeds (administered in the same way as the experience below). I smoked copious amounts of cannabis, and in general had a good time. It wasn't utterly remarkable, I experienced some light synergy between the seeds and the cannabis, but very minutely. I mainly took this small dose to test the safety of these seeds, and after experiencing no nausea or other bad side-effects, I decided to continue onto a larger dose.


4.5g of Ipomoea purpurea seeds were crushed in a mortar and pestle, resulting in some larger pieces of broken seeds, as well as a small amount of fine powder. Meanwhile, I sliced some ginger root and brewed it into a tea. Once the tea was ready, I took a few spoonfuls of the hot ginger water and poured it into the crushed seeds, mixing it in. I then added a several drops of lemon juice and mixed this in as well. The remainder of the tea was poured into a mug and set aside.


The wet seed mush was held under my tongue for about 1 hour. 10 minutes after initially putting the seeds in my mouth, I put two mint leaves into my mouth and chewed the entire mixture together, continuing to hold it all under my tongue. If too much saliva built up in my mouth, I swallowed it, careful not to swallow any of the solid material. Once the 45 minutes was over, I spat out the seed mush, and any pieces still in my mouth were washed down with a drink of water.


-07:00pm. Smoked a joint with friends, began relaxing and mentally preparing for the trip.

-07:30pm. Put the seed mash under my tongue. It tastes a little gross, but the lemon juice and ginger mask much of the flavor. It's slightly unpleasant to hold in the mouth and keep under the tongue, especially with the copious salivation I was experiencing.

-08:30pm. Spat out the seeds. Began drinking some water, as well as taking a occasional sips from the ginger tea. Ginger tea has quite a 'hot' taste to it, so watch out for that if you have a sensitive palate. (Note: Times after this are approximate, I began paying less attention to time and was losing myself in the trippy videos that I had queued. Thanks Adultswim!)

-10:00pm. Vague feelings of 'weirdness'. Things didn't feel normal, but not at all like the comeup to an LSD trip. It's distinctly it's own feeling. I experienced some very mild sedation. By this time, I felt the high from the weed wearing off. I was relaxed and continued to watch the tv while sitting on a comfy couch. I took a few more sips of the ginger tea.

-11:00pm. Experiencing strong feelings of contentment and relaxation. Advanced sedation, leaving the couch was possible with enough mental effort, but once standing it was easier to keep moving around, which allowed me to continue outside to smoke more weed. It was a pleasant night out, so a friend and myself smoked several bowls quietly chatted. I became very talkative but very quiet as well, speaking to my friend about various topics of life in a low voice somewhat between a whisper and a low talking voice, as this felt like a natural volume of voice. I felt more introspective, and we shared some private insights into the world, and in particular, certain people that we both new. All though this conversation could have been considered as gossip to some, to me it felt simply like observation on a truth, and my friend who smoked with me agreed on all points. Both of us being well and rather toasted on some high-quality weed, we returned inside and watched some more of Adultswims 'Off the Air'.

This was around the peak of the trip. The videos were intense and trippy, and I was enjoying being lost in the nonsensical world of weirdness that these shows were welcoming me into. I saw some very faint rounded visual hallucinations 'inside' of the TV screen. They were rather faint, and even when trying to look at them directly, it was hard to see them, and they began to recede after a few minutes. I also felt what could only be described as a 'spike' into my brain. A strong surge of feeling localized in the middle of the top of my head. It was somewhat intense, but not particularly unpleasant. It only happened twice, both within a few minutes of the visuals.

-12:00am. Continued feelings of contentedness, sedation, and relaxation. Couch lock became stronger, and standing up to adjust the tv became an enormous feat of effort. Moderate loss of coordination, and I bumped into a few of the many tables and chairs that were crowded into the TV room. I never felt particularly off balance or like I was going to fall, but still I noticed my lack of coordination, and was swaying back and forth on my feet. I occasionally got up to go smoke more weed, and while waiting more my turn in rotation, would pace forwards and back, or bounce up and down on the balls of my feet. Again, I never felt like I was going to fall over or anything, but I definitely noticed the swaying and stumbling. I had to occasional feeling of nausea, but I was able to mentally push it away, and it went away when I did.

-01:00am. Beginning to feel very tired. I occasionally closed my eyes and enjoyed the warm relaxed feeling, but would open them before long, trying to stay awake, and watch more TV. My thought processes felt slowed, like it would take extra effort to jumpstart them into motion. Taking notes on my phone became a difficult task. I was still quite high on weed, and was feeling rather pleasant, just very tired. I still had the 'weird' feeling that I usually experience when on LSD, but it was beginning to fade, and instead of odd thought processes, I simply had very few thought processes at all.

-02:00am. Extremely tired. I rode home on my bike, enjoying the seemingly 'brightened' night. Clouds were vivid in the skies and I enjoyed listening to the occasional tweet of a bird. I got home, went to bed, and fell asleep within a few minutes.


The entire preparation for the seeds and tea was a bit of work, but not really all that bad considering the enjoyability of the trip. If I could have tried some pure LSA on a blotter, that would have been great, but one of the reasons why I took LSA-containing morning glory seeds was because of the ease of acquisition. Holding the seeds in my mouth was probably the worst part about the experience, but it wasn't really all that bad, mostly just inconvenient as I couldn't talk or drink (easily).

It was a pleasant experience, and I'm glad that I was able to experience it. I would still choose LSD over LSA every time, but I'm glad I was able to trip, not only because it was fun and enjoyable, but because I now know what the effects are like, and can feel proud to know that I experienced something new and expanded my horizons.

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 110478
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Jun 11, 2017Views: 1,974
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Morning Glory (38) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Preparation / Recipes (30), First Times (2)

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