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Naturally Immune
Oxydocone (with Acetaminophen) & Cannabis
by i0m6
Citation:   i0m6. "Naturally Immune: An Experience with Oxydocone (with Acetaminophen) & Cannabis (exp110480)". Jun 28, 2017.

20 mg oral Oxycodone (pill / tablet)
  1300 mg oral Acetaminophen (pill / tablet)
    smoked Cannabis  
    repeated oral Oxycodone (pill / tablet)
    repeated oral Acetaminophen (pill / tablet)
A little background on me. I’m 18 years old from Florida. I’ve always had a peculiar interest in substances; I started this journey about 5 years ago when I was in my freshman year of high school. I have tried Cannabis, Dyphenhydramine (Benadryl), Alprazolam (Xanax), LSD, Synthetic Cannabinoids, Temazepam, Clonazepam, Trifluperazine, MDA, MDMA, Methamphetamine, Codeine, Cocaine, Adderall, Tramadol and Oxycodone (Percocet).

For some reason I can’t get high or have any euphoria from the opiates I have tried. Once I drank the codeine syrup with a friend and he was pretty high while I just was feeling itchy and my balance was kinda off other than that no pleasant feelings, no nausea, no lightheaded, no nothing. Prior the experience below I did try Oxycodone like 3 times in the past year each time with no effect just the itchiness and nausea but not even dizziness. I blamed the pills by saying they were fake and I’m pretty sure they were. SO those three times they had no effect on me at all just the ones I mentioned.

The Experience
I’m a male 6’1 200lb with 0 tolerance to any opioid

It was Tuesday about 7:30 am, 2017. I didn’t have college that day so I was sleeping like a baby when my friend C calls me up and tells me he is on his way to my house that he just left his girl at school. I was like ‘Ok bro let me know when you outside” I got up from bed, brushed my teeth and got ready to do something.

He wanted to buy a quarter of weed which is about 7 grams. He wanted to get some good quality bud and asked for a plug to a stoner friend of his. The guy gave us a plug, some high school guy. Well he served us up some shitty weed but C got it anyways because he hooked us up good but IT WASN’T WORTH IT AT ALL, bad quality. Then we go to a park that’s close. A big park famous in our city, people from all ages here in Miami go there to chill with their families, teenagers to hang out and do drugs. We got to the park and I rolled a fat blunt. We started smoking while talking about the bud saying it wasn’t that good and eventually started to talk about other drugs.

C said he wanted to score some MDA, We were getting those last few weeks MDA often. So I called the plug and he didn’t answer so we gave up on the MDA, then out of nowhere he tells me he has never tried Percocet and I told him about the times I had but with no effect. So we decide the day was to try Percocet and with some luck this could be the one time they would work on me. I ended up calling up some guy I knew and buying five 5mg round white pills with the numbers A 349 on them.

We decided to pop 2 each and snort half of one each of us too. I popped mine on the way to my house which is a 25 min drive and he popped his too. We got to my house did my line with the half of the pill and he popped his half cause it burned my nose like crazy, more than MDA and more than anything I have tried before. Then we went to hotbox my car with the shitty weed.

Te effects of the perks started to kick in like around 45 min after intake. I felt like my head was getting heavier and my balance was off, no itching, it was like the dizziness of being drunk but my thoughts weren’t affected. That was pretty much the whole high.
That was pretty much the whole high.
I started eating with 0 nausea and spent the whole afternoon watching Netflix.

The high from oxy wasn’t pleasant, nothing out of the ordinary, just a little bit high from the weed and the dizziness and heavy feeling caused by the oxy without any other either negative or positive effects.

The Second Experience
The Friday from that same week I knew my mom had surgery and was gonna be prescribed Percocet. I knew this because she had told me cause a friend of hers went through the same surgery time before and she knew my use of drugs and was gonna give them to me. Plus she had heard some bad reviews about perks from her friend. I didn’t know how many of what strength they would have. I ended up going to Walmart Monday afternoon around 12pm to get the prescription filled out. It was for forty 5mg Percocet (Oxycodone/Acetaminophen). I gave them the prescription by drive thru and with no question asked they told me to come back around 4pm that same day and say the name and birthday of the person which the pills were prescribed to (my mom) the total was 16$.

I went back around 6pm that same day got the pills and I was exited like when a little kid gets a new toy. The pills were white round shaped with R P by a side and the numbers by the other 5/325. I got home opened up Erowid to read the dosages. Finally I decided to pop 4 a total of 20mg Oxycodone. As soon as I popped them on a empty stomach (I was so hungry I have starved myself for hours before getting them) I went to the shower and took a bath.

As soon as I was in my room getting dressed I felt a strong dizziness coming up and a change in perception. Like none of my failed tries before I FELT SOMETHING POWERFUL COMING ON that I even worried a little bit but it didn’t matter, the day was good the sun was going to sleep it was a sunny day so I sat on the couch with my laptop in such incredible dizziness my vision was literally shaking like being drunk. My thought weren’t affected and no itching or nausea until this point. I got some original writing while all this were happening that was about 0:25 -0:35 after intake

7:02 pm I popped four 5mg Oxycodone pills on empty stomach.
7:025 feeling it coming up already I feel dizzy, it is gradually increasing. The dizziness like being drunk, I feel relaxed, the dizziness makes my vision shake, move. I’m starving btw. It comes in waves sometimes I feel it stronger coming then it like stops and then starts increasing again.

NOTE it was kinda hard to even write NOW THE STRANGE PART.

After I wrote that I went to get a smoke. I felt very dizzy at this point my eyes were low and the itchiness started at my nose. Even though I didn’t snorted anything my nose was itching like crazy and went from there to random places all over my body it wouldn’t stop. I thought about taking an antihistamine but for some reason I forgot.

About after an hour and a half after initial intake the dizzy feeling stopped and I was basically back to baseline, light-headed my eyes low and something red around them plus my pupils were as small as you can imagine. Nausea, terrible itching, never felt euphoria or anything remotely good or enjoyable.
Nausea, terrible itching, never felt euphoria or anything remotely good or enjoyable.
Then I popped another 5 milligrams more. With no effects I just felt my mind relaxed so off to watch Netflix again. Then C calls me around 11 pm that night and asks me if I wanted to chill I was pretty confused about what just happened and wanted to smoke a blunt so he and I met up. He had some really good quality weed this time I told him I have more than 30 Percocets with me and told him to chill at my parking lot. I gave 3 to him because last time 2 got him quite high he said so. myself I wasn’t sure but I gave it a go a popped 3 more and smoke a fat blunt. At this point I was just high on weed and had nausea even after hours passed he got high didn’t even want to drive his car because he was feeling the so called ‘nod’ but me no euphoria, no dizziness weaker than the first dose of the day, just felt too sleepy and exhausted. Went home and passed out 3 hours later. NOTE that the nausea at this point was horrible so was the itching. I would just stare a the tv show and kinda fell asleep without noticing. I don’t think it's what they call nodding off. At that time I just felt horribly sick and haven’t eaten anything. I DO this trick where I smell the Isopropyl alcohol and it prevents me from throwing up.

Latest Experience
So today is Wednesday and after talking to some of my classmates about my problems with Oxycodone they didn’t really know what to say as they haven’t seen anything like it before. So I decided to give it another try and as soon as I got home at 3:30 pm I popped 10mg 20 min later another 10mg and 10 min later another 5 plus another 5mg more 20 minutes from the last dose. A total of 30mg in less than an hour. All this was on empty stomach. I started feeling the come up like around the 40 min after first intake.

Effects like the dizziness from the first time but by far not even as strong. again this stopped before the 2 hours. I was just left lightheaded, itchy, nauseous, sleepy and felt no pleasant feeling at all. Right now is 11:54pm and I managed to eat but every time I swallow I felt like throwing up. The smell of the alcohol has helped me a lot during this experience. The itching continued and I’ve been sleepy since I popped them.

I’m just going to give up on opioids in general. My tolerance isn’t high enough to stop massive doses like those from getting me high. I guess it's just not for me. All these pills just make me feel sick it isn’t worth it for me. They really are overrated and I’m glad they didn’t work because I know where that road leads eventually. To a dark, lonely habit. My mom has a saying that goes “If something gives you the best feeling in the world it isn’t worth it, it sure feels so good that I don’t even want to try it”.

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 110480
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Jun 28, 2017Views: 2,009
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Oxycodone (176) : Alone (16), General (1)

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