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Life Saving
Buprenorphine after Opioids
Citation:   exopefiend. "Life Saving: An Experience with Buprenorphine after Opioids (exp110493)". May 31, 2019.

2 - 18 mg   Pharms - Buprenorphine
I should be dead. Lets start with that. I had too much knowledge and too many resources to be in the position I was in. I sold nearly everything that meant anything to me for this disgusting soul stealing substance. It was first prescribed to me from a doctor for occasional headaches that are very common with an epilepsy condition that I have. Thirty 7.5 mg hydrocodones a month. Those lasted a month, then two weeks, then a week, then a day.

Of course I had a couple friends and acquaintances with ways to get other opiates so I decided to buy some rather than risk losing my prescription by trying to fill too early. I would wait until that was ready to be filled and until then purchase oxycodone (which was EVERYWHERE where I lived during these years from 2010-2015) I had never met a drug like it.

I thought I was experienced having done my fair share of rc's and psychedelics throughout HS and in college, even at what some would call heroic doses. This was something else. I had 5 mg oxycodone no tylenol. The good ones. I crushed and insufflated one and a smile crept across my face. I didn't like this feeling I loved it. IT WAS LOVE. Or the closest thing my brain had ever felt. I went from having a job at a top rated tourist golf resort with room for advancement to selling every single thing I had of value to pawn shops or on the street to even doing and dealing cocaine, something I would've laughed at if you told me in high school. I was so lost at this point I could barely recognize myself
I was so lost at this point I could barely recognize myself
but for whatever reason was afraid to ask my family or those around me for help.

The long, long, long story of relapses and crying, I wouldnt change any of it for the world. I finally with paperwork for a clinic I had called that didn't have a waitlist in hand, went to my mother and told her everything.... I spent one day in w/d since you cannot start the process; I was taking a min of 150 mg of oc a day at that point.

I started at 18 mg and quickly found a dose as low as 12 mg took care of cravings
I started at 18 mg and quickly found a dose as low as 12 mg took care of cravings
, sleep and nerves/anxiety. Currently I am on 2 mg and about to begin a slow taper off of this life saving substance. I think many of the reports you read and can find online are of those abusing this substance or not using it exactly as rx'd. All I know is I am alive today because of it. Peace love and positive-ity to all.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 110493
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 24
Published: May 31, 2019Views: 791
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Opioids (407), Pharms - Buprenorphine (265) : Not Applicable (38), Medical Use (47), Addiction & Habituation (10), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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