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Hyperdimensional Campsite
DMT & Ketamine
Citation:   fourdimethylt. "Hyperdimensional Campsite: An Experience with DMT & Ketamine (exp110504)". Feb 18, 2018.

T+ 0:00
1 tablet oral LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 0:00   repeated insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
  T+ 8:00 30 mg vaporized DMT  
Previous DMT use includes about 10-15 lighter trips, with mild to heavy visuals, but no break throughs. This was partially due to poor ROA; this experience was the first time using a new vaporizer. This took place at a lakeside campsite, facing the lake and surrounded by forest. Around four in the morning, having taken 1 tab of acid at 8pm the night prior and ~300mg ketamine throughout the hour leading up to DMT. While peaking on my last line of ketamine, I loaded somewhere around 30-40mg of DMT into the vaporizer, and hit it all in one. I don’t remember much of a come up, the transition was intense and sudden. Ketamine affected the trip in interesting, but not unpleasant, ways, though it’s difficult to tell exactly.

Most obvious was the loss of geometry – the dimension I experienced was not composed of the dynamic fractals that trademark deemland. It was more… streaked, vertically, in godly rays of light and energy infinitely ascending from above and descending below. The trees became infinite, the campsite morphed in to a hyperdimensional version of itself. I could still identify it as the campsite, though nothing was the same. It was truly a different dimension. It felt as if I was in a higher dimension, one overlapping ours but still containing our material illusion.
It felt as if I was in a higher dimension, one overlapping ours but still containing our material illusion.

Once I was in this place, there was an entity with me. It sat to my left, maybe 20 feet, facing forward in the direction of the lake, but somewhat angle towards me. I experienced it as a god-like being, and it took a tree-like form. To reference something concrete, one can look up the Spriggan from the game, Skyrim – this being in deemland was very different from the game character, but this is the closest imagery I know of. It appeared feminine in form, with a long, curvy figure. It felt maybe 10 feet in height, but sat, as if upon a beach lounge chair. It radiated yellow-green energy, and communicated with me.

There were no words spoken; rather, it felt as if raw understanding was flowing into or through me, a language of pure knowledge. The being sat beside me, as if to direct my attention forward, to what it wanted to show me. I received similar messages to others. I was shown myself as an illusion, all our material existence as a temporary illusion. One not to be overly concerned with. I experienced what I imagined to be death, and the continuity of consciousness following death. It was sublime, and filled me with the most unimaginable joy and contentment. I saw what seemed a higher dimensional backdrop for our existence, one which is far more grand, and one which we shall one day reunite with. I felt myself as a small piece of a massive and awe-inspiring mosaic, a piece of dynamic art. It felt as if it was growing, that this greater existence was in flux and working towards something, and that I was part of that grand scheme. There was a point where I looked back at the entity, and the revelation came upon me that I was one of those entities, and that I was the very same thing. I felt my ego dissolve, and became part of the mosaic, part of the trip. I was not a visitor to this land, but returning home.
There was a point where I looked back at the entity, and the revelation came upon me that I was one of those entities, and that I was the very same thing. I felt my ego dissolve, and became part of the mosaic, part of the trip. I was not a visitor to this land, but returning home.

As I began to descend, there was a feeling of temporary goodbyes, as if reassured that I’d be back. It was a feeling of leaving home, and boarding a plane for a temporary business trip, with the business trip as this material life. Temporary, and relatively insignificant. I came down further, and awe set in. As I pieced back together reality, I was swept in the most immense astonishment and gratitude I have ever experienced. I couldn’t comprehend the greatness, teared up and exclaimed, “oh my god,” much quieter than I had intended to. The experience felt longer than 15 minutes, on the scale of a few hours at least. Though, time lost some relevance during the experience. I sat there for an hour or so, reflecting on the experience, and welling with emotion.

Much followed me out of this trip, and I continue to contemplate it. It was truly eye-opening.

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 110504
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Feb 18, 2018Views: 1,931
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DMT (18), Ketamine (31) : General (1), Combinations (3), Mystical Experiences (9), Entities / Beings (37), Unknown Context (20)

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