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Laughing for No Reason
Nitrous Oxide
Citation:   theJPsychonaut. "Laughing for No Reason: An Experience with Nitrous Oxide (exp110563)". Nov 5, 2017.

  inhaled Nitrous Oxide (gas)
A few months ago, I found in the cream’s label that it contained N2O. After doing some research I concluded that the substance was pretty safe and I thought: “why don’t give it a try?”. And that’s what I did.

I and a friend bought a cream container and went to a park. We sat on the grass and filled a balloon. Its diameter measured approximately 7 cm. It looked pretty small. I thought it wouldn’t do very much. However, I was wrong. Very little will make me laugh my ass off!

That day I was feeling happy as I didn’t have anything to worry about. I was on holidays so I didn’t have to study either.
+0 seconds. We inhaled the gas doing the 15 seconds rule (hyperventilating for 15 seconds so that the blood has enough oxygen, and to prevent fainting).
+30 seconds. I felt how I slowly started to smile, it felt like automatic as I wasn’t consciously grinning.
+40 seconds. After a few seconds, I and my friend started to laugh a lot for no reason. I was definitely high at that point, but it was more a physical high (laughter) rather than mental as I was clear-headed (or that’s what I thought).
+1 minute and 30 seconds. We stop laughing and feel great.
+The next half hour. After that I was feeling pretty happy for about half an hour and had slight stomach discomfort.

We enjoyed it. However, it wasn’t that funny as the laughter felt forced. When I watch a comedy, I laugh because it is actually funny and I have a better time. With nitrous, though, the only funny thing is the laughter itself. I should not use it too often and do it when I don’t have tasks afterwards that require thinking.

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 110563
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 16
Published: Nov 5, 2017Views: 1,288
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