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Less Harsh Than MDMA
AL-LAD & Nitrous Oxide
Citation:   PsyGanesh. "Less Harsh Than MDMA: An Experience with AL-LAD & Nitrous Oxide (exp110833)". Aug 13, 2017.

75 ug oral AL-LAD (blotter / tab)
  75 ug inhaled Nitrous Oxide (gas)
This was the first time I decided to try AL-LAD since I read reports saying that 75ug is a good dosage for a party.

Two friends and me were going to a Progressive Trance Festival with a lot of decoration and a great lightshow. After the opening ceremony we decided it would be the right place to do it and we all felt in the right mood.

All three of us have taken the same amount, although I accidentally spit the tab out after like half an hour while talking. It must have been in my system already, because I felt the same as my friends. We just danced during the comeup and the lights and colors were getting brighter and more beautiful. Everything became a bit surreal and we were behaving a bit childish while walking around on the camping ground and exploring the wonderful artpieces. We were giggling a lot and always stupidly careful... :D When the ground changed from grass to wooden splits, we wondered if that ground is safe before stepping on it.

When taking a balloon of N2O the visuals became a lot stronger and we danced like crazy. It was a wonderful experience overall. No negative part in this experience. The comedown was smooth and we all felt completely fit the next day for our next first time experience (with 6-APB).

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 110833
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Aug 13, 2017Views: 1,956
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AL-LAD (603) : Glowing Experiences (4), Festival / Lg. Crowd (24)

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