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Religion, Time, and Pot
Citation:   Enlightened. "Religion, Time, and Pot: An Experience with Cannabis (exp11105)". Jul 15, 2005.

1 cig. smoked Cannabis (plant material)
To understand my experience, I must first explain a feeling that I had nearly every time I smoked. I would close my eyes and feel as though I was falling. This feeling became too intense and I was not able to endure it to see where it would take me.

On October 30 me, my friend, and his sister had decided to cut down on our smoking (my friend was quitting, but me and his sister were gonna smoke occasionally still). Before this we had been straight up 'potheads,' smoking at least once a day. My friends sister, I'll call her Ashley, had gotten some hydro for our last day of being potheads. Ashley had rolled a blunt and we proceeded to smoke.

After this we decided to watch 'cats and dogs' about five minutes into the movie, I closed my eyes and began to feel as if I was falling, but this time I was able to endure the feeling and it subsided. Then I heard a voice that came from within me. It began to call my name. This voice was more powerful than any human could ever imagine becoming. It told me that I had to go somewhere private. I thought of my friend's sisters bedroom (since we were at his house) but the voice told me I needed to go home. I wanted to watch the movie so I thought how about I go home after the movie. This voice told me that I needed to go home now, that this was VERY important. So I put on my shoes and told my friend that I was going home to help my dad with something.

I rushed home and went up to my room. I laid in my bed and suddenly all my muscles contracted and I just laid in bed with my hands folded praying to God for this to be ok. All I felt was fear, the greatest fear I had ever felt in my life. After about 3-5 minutes of this, I relaxed and the fear left me. Then all of a sudden, I felt this feeling inside of me that was the greatest feeling I had ever experienced and probably ever will experience. It felt as if this energy was flowing through me. I began to cry tears of joy and I turned over onto my knees and began to thank God. Then it felt as if my head had been opened up and my mind was just filled with knowledge. Then the voice told me that I had to start a new religion that was a fusing of Christianity and Buddhism (I am a catholic and we had just studied Buddhism in school, the weird thing was it felt as if I already understood Buddhism, even though I had never been exposed to it before).

I also acquired many amazing physical abilities. Before this happened I was a klutz and could not fight to save my life. After this happened I seemed to have complete control over my body and it felt as if I knew a martial art. I could do anything with my body if my mind willed it. Soon after, I also learned about time. Time is not a continuum, rather, it is all occurring at once, but on different planes. The 'past' 'present' and 'future' are human ideas that come from the conscious mind. Time to a person is simply that person's conscious mind falling through the planes of time. A person's subconscious is present on all planes of one's 'life path.' this is how some are able to tell the future, because they are in touch with their subconscious mind, which can reveal future events to the conscious mind.

Whatever that voice was it was more powerful than all of humanity combined, and I plan to start a religion that combines Buddhism and Christianity at some point in my life. I continue to learn new things about myself, reality, time, and psychology (psychology plays an important role in understanding these 'planes' of time) it has been 2 months since that happened and I still feel as though I learn something new everyday. And I must say one thing, thank you God.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 11105
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 15, 2005Views: 9,953
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Cannabis (1) : Alone (16), Mystical Experiences (9)

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