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A View Into Multitasking
Citation:   mantaraydrink. "A View Into Multitasking: An Experience with ALEPH (exp111064)". Nov 30, 2017.

12 mg oral ALEPH
Just a short text on the very strange effects of this drug - most unlike any of the psychedelic amphetamines I've encountered.

The night started with myself and a friend ingesting 12mg of DOT that were a gift from a friend who is a synthetic chemist. At first, it seemed that nothing was happening (in comparison to previous ring substituted amphetamines) and we went about things as if we hadn't taken a drug.

It was only at the 2hr point, where we volunteered to go to the shop for everyone else (who were smoking hash), that the unusual effects began to manifest themselves. My friend (who I'll refer to as Stephen) noted that he was able to carry on thoughts regarding our current task, while also totally separately, process thoughts on another subject. I confirmed that I was able to focus on the task in question, while engaging totally in a mindset totally unrelated.

Eventually we arrived at the shop and began buying chocolate etc that had been requested while still being fully immersed in a different thought process. At no time did we feel 'trippy' and unable to complete the designated tasks. After returning with our booty, did we feel that something untoward had happened, but on later discussion, we felt that we had entered the realm of multitasking, which is supposedly the exclusive domain of females.

That night has provided a lot of discussion, as there were no outward signs of intoxication by a psychedelic amphetamine (eg. DOM, DOC, DOB etc that we both had experience of). Basically a weird sort of night and possibly an insight into the female thought process. Something which we both value.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 111064
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 40
Published: Nov 30, 2017Views: 2,438
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ALEPH (807) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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