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RC Benzo Combo
Diclazepam & Etizolam
Citation:   Petey.Shady. "RC Benzo Combo: An Experience with Diclazepam & Etizolam (exp111090)". Feb 27, 2018.

3 mg oral Diclazepam
  2 mg oral Etizolam
Bio/Experiences with substances: weed, cocaine, lsd, 25B,mushrooms, all kinds of opiates. xanax, valium, lorazepam. MDMA, etc I'm a 32 y.o.male in pretty good shape, as I work out daily and eat a very strict diet for body building purposes. I feel as though I have plenty of experience will illicit substances and I wanted to let y'all know about this Diclaz/Etiz Combo.

Noon: Ingested 3 mg Diclaz and 2 mg Etiz

12:30: Very noticable yet slight sedation and the heavy limbs setting in.

12:55: All anxiety has been crushed into nothing however I don't feel the usual sociability that I normally would if i took just one of either of these analogues, This is obv a reaction to mixing these two substances, very warm face and my thought process is steadily slowing.

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 111090
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 32
Published: Feb 27, 2018Views: 2,787
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Diclazepam (670), Etizolam (568) : Combinations (3), Unknown Context (20)

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