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A Good Time In A Safe Space
Citation:   nobody_noteworth. "A Good Time In A Safe Space: An Experience with 4-HO-MiPT (exp111185)". Nov 6, 2017.

28 mg oral 4-HO-MiPT (powder / crystals)
Received 280 mg in the mail and divided it into 10 small piles that I carefully wrapped in foil.

Saturday night came and my husband offered to trip-sit after the kids went to bed. We are on shaky grounds, but I trust him. So we went to bed and I gave him free reign to the TV to keep me entertained while I fell into a world of everything being too bright about ten minutes in. The lights were off, but the visuals were intense. And his company was more welcomed and entertaining than it had been in quite some time. I listened to him talk. His humor brought tears to my eyes that I hadn't had in years.

I won't lie, the first 30 minutes was but freaky. I felt cold, but entirely smothered when wrapped in a blanket and given hugs. The visuals were too bright and I had to close my eyes for a bit, but when they opened the spectrals were amazing. My husband had 'fly eyes'. The reflection off of them from the TV light multiplied and it made me laugh.

After hour one I muttered music names and artists for him to bring up on the screen to enjoy.
By hour two we made love, which was pleasant and funny at times.
By hour three he brought up The Neverending Story. We laughed intensely over the rock eater and the characters that could easily have been pedophiles if they had been real (sick humor).

We both fell asleep shortly after. I woke up with no hangover whatsoever. No body load. Zero drain.

And a few more foil packets for future adventures. An A+.

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 111185
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 40
Published: Nov 6, 2017Views: 1,970
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4-HO-MiPT (342) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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