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So This Is What All the Fuss Is About
by Krag
Citation:   Krag. "So This Is What All the Fuss Is About: An Experience with Oxycodone (exp111325)". Apr 30, 2020.

20 mg oral Oxycodone (pill / tablet)
  10 mg insufflated Oxycodone (ground / crushed)
  1 cig. smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  10 mg oral Loratadine (pill / tablet)
    repeated smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  20 mg oral Oxycodone (pill / tablet)
  20 mg insufflated Oxycodone (ground / crushed)
[Erowid Note: Because opiate use can lead to significant tolerance (requiring higher doses for the same effects), the dose used by a first time user is significantly smaller than that used by a regular user. It can be extremely dangerous to choose ones dose on the basis of the amount taken by someone else. Overdoses of opiates can be fatal.]
It was near the end of a long day and I get back from my local pharmacy holding a white paper bag. Inside is a little unsuspecting orange pill bottle containing a months worth of Oxycodone. On closer inspection however I notice something odd, there is no fine print that usually states “generic for Oxycontin” written on the bottom left on the labeling. Did the pharmacy give me the wrong drug? I inspect the labeling further and notice it’s not from the common manufacture that makes the generic Oxycontin I usually receive. I look at the pill and I don’t see the OP on one side and 20 on the other, instead it has R / P imprinted with 20 on the opposite side. Doing a simple pill identification search I find out it’s an instant release Oxycodone manufactured by Rhodes Pharmaceuticals and it’s definitely not my usual extended release generic Oxycontin.

An idea pops into my head, if this isn’t my usual OP reformulated Oxycontin with all of it’s shitty abuse deterrent properties, could I crush this pill up and for once enjoy the full Oxy experience? Maybe this was a sign that fate wants me to have some fun this month, at least before my doctor realizes the mistake and I go back to my usual formulation.

I pop two just to get my usual dose for the day, just incase this doesn’t work. I grab a third pill and head to my kitchen, crushing it in my mortar. To my amazement It disintegrates into powder perfectly, so I dump the contents onto my granite top, make a line, roll up a 20 dollar bill and in one go I snort it all. It’s an interesting sensation but definitely not a painful one, I could feel the substance drip to the back of my throat so I grab a joint I had laying around, parked my ass on a couch and waited for the wave of euphoria to wash over my entire body.

8:30pm - I light up my joint and turn on some Netflix, my heart rate is slightly increased though I think it’s just from excitement and anticipation, nothing to worry about

8:45pm - The high from the weed feels great but I’m feeling something more, the euphoria is enhanced and everything seems calmer, I feel like I’m sinking into the couch and I can’t stop laughing at whatever nonsense I’m watching. The Oxy hasn’t even peaked yet and I’m feeling great

9:15pm - I’m fully into a Oxycodone high, the sensation feels strong and I could definitely tell it hit me harder then if I didn’t insufflated it. A gentle and warm wave of euphoria washes over me from head to toe, my eye’s are unfocused and I begin to scratch my scalp. My god it feels so good, but knowing it’s from the Oxy releasing excess histamine I popped a Loratadine pill just to ease the itch a bit.

9:30pm - I’m completely sedated, but somehow manage to find my keys and decide to take a walk around downtown on a quiet winter evening. I just realized how much I love the high I’m feeling and don’t want to waste it by just going to sleep

10pm - Probably by my third or fourth joint, I finally make it to the wonderful downtown streets of Santa Cruz. Dozens of tiny alleyways and dead end streets make any simple stroll through them an adventure. I started to notice the high wasn’t as strong as it was back home so I pop a forth pill and continue my walk down main street, seeing the colorful characters that spend their days and nights living on the sidewalks of Santa Cruz. I noticed I was very talkative and just giddy overall, striking conversations with complete strangers, mostly crazy homeless people but fascinating to me none the less. After finding a group of young vagabonds to smoke with we all head to this famous hipster cafe, a place all the weirdo’s and outsiders come to congregate, smoke and drink and talk. Oxy just makes this all the much better and I’m having a blast.

11pm - I feel like I’m seriously fading fast, after spending some time hanging out and socializing I begin to not be able to keep my eyelids open. My words are slurring and I’m feeling the nausea, I decide to return home before I pass out or do something stupid

11:30pm - Make it back home and I find my bed as quickly as possible, I fall into my sheets and pass out quicker then I ever have before

9am - I wake up to a beautiful day and feel great, no hangover or headache what so ever. Definitely going to be snorting Oxycodone again in the future

Ready to take on the day!

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 111325
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Apr 30, 2020Views: 4,154
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Oxycodone (176) : Glowing Experiences (4), Various (28)

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