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Deep Relaxation
Citation:   Vince. "Deep Relaxation: An Experience with Kava (exp111334)". Sep 19, 2018.

  oral Kava (extract)
I made a tea out of 2 good tablespoons of 70% kavalactone powdered extract, 1 cup of water using cloth (pressed the cloth for about 5 minutes) and added two teaspoons of honey for the taste.

At the first gulp a noticeable numbing of the back of my throat can be felt and the effects start after 5 to 10 minutes. I decide to wait. Alone at home I put on some music and feel my hearing sense go a little numb, at the same time I start to feel a clear headed high and a body relaxation.

After 15 minutes I decide to take another sip, and after another 15 minutes period I start to feel a deep relaxation and laughter comes easily at the thought that this stuff is quite potent - more than I expected. There's a sort of 'hit' with every sip and then the effect lasts about 10 to 15 minutes and then I just feel relaxed as with a good shot of red wine but I didn't notice, except for some moments where my muscles felt so relaxed that laziness took over my entire body, any physical or mental impairment. My hearing sense was like on codeine (sometimes sounds just startle me as I reconnect to the world around).

I took, through the course of the evening 6 sips of the beverage and felt as fine as anyone could be. Great alternative to alcohol.
As for the taste, this reminds me of galangal but there's a strong bitterness that many might find repulsive.

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 111334
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 40
Published: Sep 19, 2018Views: 1,159
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