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Intimate Heavy Dose Trip
Citation:   John_Galt. "Intimate Heavy Dose Trip: An Experience with 4-HO-MET (exp111387)". Jan 11, 2018.

T+ 0:00
20 mg oral Pharms - Citalopram  
  T+ 17:00 0.5 g smoked Cannabis  
  T+ 18:00 70 mg oral 4-HO-MET (liquid)
  T+ 21:30 1 g smoked Cannabis  
[Erowid Note: The dose described in this report is very high, potentially beyond Erowid's 'heavy' range, and could pose serious health risks or result in unwanted, extreme effects. Sometimes extremely high doses reported are errors rather than actual doses used.]
Substance: 4-HO-MET Fumarate
Dose: 70 mg
Setting: Bedroom

Previous Experience:
I’ve had previous experience with psychoactive substances such as LSD, AL-LAD, 4-AcO-DMT, cannabis, kratom, nicotine, as well as 4-HO-MET. I trip regularly about once every two weeks. The last time I tripped prior to this report was around a week ago on 110 mcg AL-LAD. I have reserved myself to tripping only when I’m in a proper setting and state of mind, so I have never had a terrible tripping experience.

I took 20 mg of Citalopram approximately 18 hours prior to dosing. As Citalopram is a SSRI, I expected the possibility of it dulling effects of the 4-HO-MET, but it helps with my anxiety during the trip. I had been wanting to take a heavy dose for about two weeks, so I was prepared to fast for 12 hours prior to dosing to prepare for the nausea of the trip. I also smoked about a half gram of cannabis an hour prior to dosing to help prevent nausea.


0:00 (~5:00pm) - I weigh approximately 70 mg of the fumarate 4-HO-MET onto a 1 mg accurate scale. I’ve had the 4-HO-MET for around 6 months, but have kept it in great condition. I’m originally unsure if I want to trip tonight, but I decide that I might as well since I have my girlfriend to tripsit me. I pour the chemical into a small glass of water, stir it a few times, and down the entire glass. I make sure to rinse the cup to make sure to get all residue. It tasted absolutely terrible, but I brushed my teeth afterwards to get the taste out.

0:10 - Girlfriend leaves to go make pasta, but I’m not feeling anything yet. I clean the room to keep my mind busy, control my anxiety, and have a better setting.

0:20 - I haven’t ate anything today, so I am already starting to feel the come up. It’s coming much faster than it has during previous experiences, but the most I’ve taken before was 45 mg. I also have quite a bit of nausea. The world feels like it is spinning, and my body hasn’t gotten use to it yet.

0:35 - It feels like I am already peaking. It is hard to remember anything, and my mind feels like an expanse.
0:35 - It feels like I am already peaking. It is hard to remember anything, and my mind feels like an expanse.
While still dealing with nausea, I look up to see an apparition of the rabbit from Donnie Darko standing in my doorway. This is a very creepy looking rabbit costume, and freaks me out at first, but I’m able to calm myself down. I had watched Donnie Darko just a few days prior to the trip and I knew my mind was just making weird associations.

0:40 - I lay back on my bed and start into deep contemplation. I don’t remember exactly what I was thinking about, but it felt as if I was in a universe of my own thought. Going down different branches of thought felt like a very physical experience. As I come back to reality I am very confused about where I am or what I’m doing. I call out for help and my girlfriend comes back to the room to calm me down.

0:50 - We head to the kitchen for a few minutes while she finishes cooking. My dog is in the back room and I decide to talk to him a little while. I eventually just stare him in the eyes and I feel as if he knows I’m in a different state of mind. He begins to whimper like he is worried for me, so I decide to go back to the bedroom.

0:55 - My girlfriend comes back to the room, but warns me that there are police outside. I’m initially very scared but they were just dealing with the neighbors across from us. I am really hoping this doesn’t turn out as a bad trip, so I try really hard to resist negative thoughts.

1:00 - Noticing that I am upset, my girlfriend decides to make things sensual and soon we’re having intercourse. We ended up having very passionate sex for around 2 hours. The sex wasn’t really based on pleasure, but more on just a very physical way of showing love.

3:00 - We just lay in bed as I try to make sense of all the confusion I’m having. I can’t understand anything that is going on or even what my girlfriend is saying sometimes.

3:30 - I now feel like I’m coming down enough to go into the living room and talk to my dad while watching TV. I smoke another gram of weed while watching TV and eat some food.

7:00 - I’m finally able to go into deep sleep.

13:00 - I wake up with a earth-shaking migraine and take an ibuprofen with diphenhydramine citrate and am able to fall back asleep.

I slept fine for another 9 hours and woke up feeling great. I also feel like I was blacked out during parts of this trip, but I tried to make the report as accurate as possible.

Exp Year: 2017ExpID: 111387
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Jan 11, 2018Views: 2,266
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