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A Potent Alternative To Vaping Or Chewing
Nicotine (gum)
by PJ
Citation:   PJ. "A Potent Alternative To Vaping Or Chewing: An Experience with Nicotine (gum) (exp111490)". May 27, 2020.

  buccal Nicotine
    oral Amphetamines
I have been a smoker for several years and ended up switching to vaping, I had purchased supplies for making my own e-juice and had run out of VG and Flavoring. I decided to take 10% Nicotine Liquid (100mg/ml) (Extremely potent nicotine liquid, only reproduce this if you know what you're doing) and spread it over sticks of gum using a qtip. I did not measure the strength of each stick individually, however the amount of liquid I used brings the gum to a strength of about 60mg of nicotine per stick. The reason I have for using such a high amount of concentrated nicotine per stick is because I want to use the gum in a similar fashion as blotter, the goal is to let an 8th or a 6th of a stick of gum sit between my lip/cheek and gums, occasionally chewing although not as soon as I put it in. This means I can get 6-8 doses out of a single stick, making a single pack of gum last around a week if I plan on dosing 12-16 times a day.

I have found this to be extremely enjoyable, normal nicotine gum from the store is far too expensive, far too much gum, causes hiccups, and doesn't have a good enough strength to get a non smoker to quit, if my goal is to have a nicotine replacement rather than to reduce nicotine consumption this is a fantastic way of doing so. I dose quite frequently and consistently get a solid buzz off of it, the advantage of this method over traditional methods is that it works almost like the patch when I want it to, I am able to sustain a nicotine buzz whenever I wish, this really puts me in control of how I would like to consume nicotine. The buzz is strong and allows me to take a consistent dosage alongside my adhd medication (adderall) for a nice stimulant combo to keep me focused and on task, even with adderall its easy to find certain things boring, however the nicotine gum allows me to dose higher amounts when I want to do a more boring task at work or school which takes the edge off a little bit and gives me something else to focus on.

Overall this is honestly by far my preferred method of nicotine consumption, its far easier than vaping, I dont have to mix my own juice, build my own coils, buy flavoring and base, I just have to have nicotine liquid and a pack of gum. Its also far more discreet than any other method (including store bought gum) other than the patch. Due to the fact that a year supply worth of nicotine can be picked up for less than a carton of cigarettes it makes this more affordable than even making my own ejuice vaping. Not only is this a more effective, but its less expensive, as long as one knows how to handle a high concentrate of nicotine safely and properly.

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 111490
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: May 27, 2020Views: 2,537
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Nicotine (383) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Preparation / Recipes (30), Not Applicable (38)

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