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A Very Unique Experience
Inhalants (Freon)
Citation:   Shadow. "A Very Unique Experience: An Experience with Inhalants (Freon) (exp11163)". Mar 24, 2006.

  inhaled Inhalants (gas)
[Erowid Note: Our understanding of the literature is that there is no such thing as safe recreational use of volatile solvents, aerosols and other street inhalants : their psychoactive effects are inseparable from nerve and organ damage. We have chosen to include these reports to help document the real world use of inhalants, but their inclusion is not intended to imply that they are anything but dangerous.]

I have to say I was highly surprised when my friend had mentioned to me that he had taken Freon from air conditioners and used it to get high. At the time, I was still poorly researched and uninformed on the subject of drugs.

However, I found myself in a situation where Freon was being taken by others around me, and after a bit of reluctance decided to try the substance.

This was actually my first experience with any kind of drug (alcohol excluded) so I was a bit nervous, yet excited to try the substance.

I should take a moment to describe the environment. I was sitting in my friend's beat-up Nissan Pathfinder at the dead end of a residential road at night time. He had the lights on inside the car.

After my other friend in the back seat took his turn, I decided to go ahead with mine. I nervously began huffing the sweet-tasting substance and let go of the balloon.

I am simply amazed. The freon hit at once. I immediately noticed my voice had dropped several octaves to what could be described as the voice of Lucifer.

Within five seconds I began to feel almost as if I had left my body. My head bowed down and my vision began to spin and converge into bright yellow patterns. I could see a limited portion of the outside world, but only if I stared directly at something, and then the vision would only last for a second.

As far as the auditory sense, it is overloaded with a repeating, mechanical sound - something described as the 'wa-wa's by some people.

The mind experience is simply amazing. The animal brain seems to sit around saying 'wheeeeeeeeeeee' while the intelligent brain runs through thoughts at what seems like a billion miles per hour. Not that I can coherently interpret all that I think and contribute it in an experience report later.

My first time was a bit disorienting - having never had done any drugs and suddenly having been cast into a wild experience, I forgot for several seconds that I had taken Freon, and for a microsecond, wanted to return to normal.

I looked over and saw my friend laughing. I felt as if he was a troll of some sort, so I began to punch him in the face. He tried to deflect my punches to no avail.

Shortly after, I noticed the effects starting to fade. The whole experience had lasted nearly a minute long. As the experiences faded, my vision slowly returned to normal, and I realized that I had been laughing the whole time. It took nearly five seconds of continuing to laugh before I regained control and sat with a huge grin on my face.

That night, and several times in the future, I had other experiences. I wish to describe one of them in order to elaborate on the effects.

This time, I was sitting in my friend's Ford Mustang. Again, this experience was done at night time. I had huffed the freon while he was driving. Having had done it several times, I knew to hold my fingers around the balloon to save whatever might be left.

As I started to get hit by the effects, I saw my friend requesting that I hand him the balloon. I said in a really low voice, 'No, not while you're driving!'

I watched him pull the shifter down, which was a surreal experience as it was basically two frames - shifter forward, shifter backwards.

But right at that instant I watched him pull the parking brake and realized that we were stopped at the curb in a residential area. Right then, the effect started to kick in.

All of the trips I've had have had many of the same elements, so my memory tends to be able to recall the effects but all of the environments seem somewhat the same.

This time, I tried to remember what it was like to live at home or what my parents look like. I could form a mental image for all of a second before it fell apart and I maintained a pleasant but foerign feeling.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 11163
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 24, 2006Views: 19,767
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Inhalants (29) : Small Group (2-9) (17), First Times (2)

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