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Serotonin Syndrome Surge Stupidity
2-CT-7 & 5-HTP
Citation:   Sailor Pluto. "Serotonin Syndrome Surge Stupidity: An Experience with 2-CT-7 & 5-HTP (exp111675)". Feb 27, 2018.

4 mg oral 2C-T-7 (powder / crystals)
  100 mg oral Tryptophan - 5-HTP (pill / tablet)
Once upon a time (I forget the exact date), in a London far, far away (unless you're in London right now), this psychedelic voyager decided to go a trip on the legendary, visual Blue Mystic Magic Bus (having previously tripped hard with Mescaline Airlines and the HBWR Express, to no visual effect). 2CT7 was ordered, and once arrived the fairy powder was emptied from its capsular container, and into orange juice in a syringe. 4 mgs equivalent was measured out and swallowed, with characteristic, sharp alkaloid bitterness.

Knowing what I know about 2CT7, I was quite excited/anxious, and to enhance the mood for the trip, I took two 50 mg pills of 5-HTP (which converts to serotonin), then lay on the bed (might also have taken lecithin, cannot remember). What I neglected to find out, however, was that 2CT7 is a serotonergic and MAOI (therefore it would slow the breakdown of serotonin). Within half an hour, this interaction led to rapid heartbeat, anxiety, and a feeling of excess nervous energy.
Within half an hour, this interaction led to rapid heartbeat, anxiety, and a feeling of excess nervous energy.
(5-HTP always worked rapidly for me.)

There is a head-rush, but the agitation is too distracting to explore the headspace. Gathering my wits, I get up and go to the local park, which is but seconds away. The fresh air, light, and the ability to run and do something with the excess energy make me feel much better right away.

Over the next ½ hour, running around helps calm down the agitation. The sky is big and blue and beautiful, and the rush from Blue Mystic wants to carry me away into it. However, the nervous energy is prickly and detrimental to focussing on the good aspect. The comedown takes about an hour more, and imperceptibly fades into simply being outside in the late afternoon sun. The next day, there were no after-effects.

Thus ended the serotonic tale, and afterwards an Internet search revealed why the two interacted in this way. Haven't been using 2CT7 (or any phenylethylamines really) since, though continued using 5-HTP as an antidepressant for some time. And of course will look up a new combo before imbibing it :)

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 111675
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 24
Published: Feb 27, 2018Views: 1,430
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2C-T-7 (54) : Health Problems (27), Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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