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The President's Tie Was Changing Color
Morning Glory
Citation:   JackSparrow. "The President's Tie Was Changing Color: An Experience with Morning Glory (exp111676)". Erowid.org. May 21, 2018. erowid.org/exp/111676

7.5 g oral Morning Glory (seeds)
Legal Acid

Morning glory was my first psychedelic experience, and my first planned 'trip' other than alcohol. It remains one of my favorite substances because of its simplicity and ease of acquirement. That being said, let me tell you a story... The story of my first psychedelia.

Our story begins in walmart. Yes, Walmart. No I'm not so OG that I got high in a Walmart, I just bought 7.5 grams of MGS (morning glory seeds) at Walmart. Any way we went home then and at around 7:00 I just downed the seeds. Yeah, thats right, just up ended them all into my mouth and chewed. The taste wasn't that bad, and I didn't feel any nausea right away. I watched some TV with my siblings and then watched Arrow by myself. It was about 8:30 and I was beginning to feel nauseous, but I didn't feel like hurling, just not good. I then tried to go to sleep, thinking that it was a failed experience.

It wasn't over. At around 9:00 my dad got me up and told me to come upstairs. When I asked why, I remembered that the state of the union address was tonight. So I went to see Trump address the union. I wasn't noticing anything yet but I was in for some serious fun. I got a LaCroix water and sipped it while thinking about how it was funny how the presidents tie was changing color. Wait, what?!? Oh, yeah baby, I was feelin' it now!!! All my nausea had floated away, just like my worries! The metal of my empty can felt so good in my hand. Pretty soon I was laughing at the democrats expressions when trump did something they didn't like. Our questionable president is funny looking enough when I am sober, how much more when I am loaded AF.

Upon going to the bathroom I saw my reflection, and bloody hell, my eyes were nothing but pupil. I went downstairs and started a hot shower. Our shower is subway tile, and I began to see that the tiles were moving! It was an amazing sensation to someone who had high on weed, crack cocaine(never again), and alcohol(a lot). I will have it be said that joint cramps do occur and hurt bad. All kinds of illusions took their turn screwing me over. For instance, you know how people joke about people high on acid always staring at there hands? Yeah, my hand was shrinking, yet always staying the same size.
my hand was shrinking, yet always staying the same size.
On another occasion my hand started spinning. Upon looking in a mirror about 15 feet away my favorite illusion was born... I placed my hands right around belt level and then suddenly swung my hands upward, creating the illusion that my penis was about 5 feet long and curving toward my mouth!!! When I looked out side, the classic portrayal of LSD became clear. That strange green/red/blue haze around every thing became noticeable. A certain plant was doing an interesting dance that I really enjoyed, so I decided to join in. Fairly soon, I had convinced my cat to join in. After dancing a bit I retreated to my room and watched the ceiling spin. After a while, I fell asleep. The next day, I felt a litItle fuzzy, but all in all no hangover.

I use this drug once or twice every two months, so I obviously will do it again.

Thanks for reading

Hit me up at CPTN. NINER on you tube.

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 111676
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 15
Published: May 21, 2018Views: 1,013
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Morning Glory (38) : Various (28), Hangover / Days After (46), Glowing Experiences (4), General (1)

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