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Underwhelming Calm
Damiana & Kava
by OJ
Citation:   OJ. "Underwhelming Calm: An Experience with Damiana & Kava (exp111752)". May 2, 2018.

2 tsp oral Damiana (extract)
  3 Tbsp oral Kava (extract)
I had tried the Kava Kava on its own and Damiana on its own in tea form. One and a half teaspoon had given me what I would describe as a calm feeling. I had seen different ways of mixing the teas and decided to try something new.

I steeped two teaspoons of the 4:1 Damiana Powder extract in hot water for about 15 minutes. I put three tablespoons of 30% Kavalactone Kava Kava Powder in one cup of coconut milk. I did not heat this mix. I stirred it and let it steep for about 15 minutes.

After I felt it was sufficiently mixed I poured half the kava mixture and half damiana mixture into a mug and consumed. It immediately made my mouth, gums, and lips numb. I started to feel the semi calm feeling after about 15 minutes to a half hour.
This feeling did not last very long. I would describe it as a very mild cannabis feeling.

Overall it wasn't a bad experience but it certainly wasn't one to get excited about. Maybe I hyped myself up.

Exp Year: 2018ExpID: 111752
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 30
Published: May 2, 2018Views: 1,694
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Damiana (107), Kava (30) : Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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